Sunday, December 29, 2013

Remembering Martin Luther King Jr With a Sweet Treat!

Hey everyone!  Hope everyone is having a fab break.  I can't believe it's almost over.   I blinked and break is over!    

My Christmas was amazing!  Got so many goodies and loved spending time with family because it doesn't happen a lot since we are all so busy.    So it was nice QT.

Before I show you my latest updates, let me show you what I made for my fiance's huge family.  I decided to make his huge family these sweet little treats.   I got this idea from Planting Happiness.  

   It was so easy to make!  I decided to pass on the alcohol attached to the jar and decided to attach chocolate covered pretzels instead.  Unfortunately you can't see the pretzels from the shot but trust me it's there and it was so darn good.

This was so easy to make!  let me walk you through it.

You will need:
*mason jar
*hersheys dark cocoa ( big box )
*bulk mini marshmallows
*mini chocolate morsels (big bag)
*peppermint candy 

Give each jar about 1 cup of hot cocoa.  Then firmly pack the mini marshmallows.  I added about a 1/4 cup of choc. chips and then a few peppermint candies.  

I bought a yard of Christmas fabric and placed it on top of the mason jar lid then turned the top.   I added the card last minute.  

I think it was so easy and about $5.50 to make.  Not bad!  I made about 8 jars and gave 1-2 per family.  They loved it. =) 

I'm still munching on the pretzels. 


I was able to update some oldies but goodies and so happy I can share them with you today.  I have updated the craft and printables for my Martin Luther King which is coming up in just a few weeks.  Here's the newest and more 
fabulous version of it!

It's full of fun printables to supplement your MLK Unit this January! 

If you have purchased this already please redownload the latest by clicking here.    

In this bundle, you will see:
*writing prompts full/half page-primary&secondary
*can, have & are
*abc order
*write & draw
*review guide
*fill in fact sheet
*2 word of days
*letters to MLK
*cover page for booklet

You can grab this cute little packet by clicking here and taking you to that page.   

If you have any questions or suggestions, please e-mail me!  I love hearing from you. =) 
* would you like your own copy of this?  Leave me a comment letting me know you follow my TpT Shop.  I will choose 2 winners by 8pm EST tonight*
Congrats to #2 Brittany and #8 GLwood !

Sending them over now!


Monday, December 23, 2013

Playful Polars with a Chilling Sale!

Happy Monday!  A few weeks, I posted about my Playful Penguins, and today I want to show you my Playful Polars!  

It's very similar to my Penguins just with a different craft.  

Heres the little guy up close!

Isn't he adorable?  I actually have had this bundle done forever but I just needed to finish the craft.  Talk about being a procrastinator!  

But I'm so glad it's finally complete. =)

Here are some peeks at what's in this bundle.

This printable can be used during free time, with groups or during centers.  I know my little nuggets will love it!

These are great printables to supplement during your artic unit!

I love the next few printables!  Such a cute way for the little ones to learn more about polar bears. 

This printable can be used during center time, homework or group work.  It's good practice for identifying fact and opinion and learning about polars all in one!  The little ones just have to cute, glue & paste the fact/opinion and place in the correct box.

In this bundle, you will find:
*full/half page prompts primary/secondary lines and b & w
*can, have & are
*name that polar bear fact (review guide)
*polar bear quiz (true/false)
*word of the day
*polar report 
*fact vs opinion
*roll a penguin
*write & draw

Come grab this now and be all set for your winter.  Click here to take you to check out more info on this little guy.  

*Since I have been beyond lazy and this took me a while to make, I will be putting it on sale for 50% off until Christmas Day.  Yes that's right!  It will be $1.75 for the next few days!

Now back to last minute shopping!  Ahh the stress.

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Candy Cane Treats and Snowman Ornaments!

Where in the world have I been?  I feel like the week has been going super slow and yet I still have 100000000 things to do before the holidays.  I have put my Polar Bear Unit on a stop and been going crazy with school, wedding and gifts.  Soon it'll be all over.

Just to keep you updated on my week.  This is what's been going on in my class!

We had Grinch Day on Monday.  One of my besties read the story while I set up everyone's plate full of cookies and grinch juice.  They loved it!  The cookies were of course delicious and so was the juice.  

This is what I have been busy giving out all week!

Everyone keeps getting a kick out of it.  

Look what the little ones made for their parents!

Last year I did the same thing and the kiddies loved it.  I tried to add a bit of touch this year by adding some cute bows I had left over from a previous craft I had done with the class.

Here's the one I made for me!

I tried to make it fabulous like me. =) 

Now here's my gift to the kids this year!  I got this idea from Joy by the Bay.     It was so easy to make!  

I made them for my little ones.  It was just .50 to make for each kid!  I think thats quite a bargain!  Don't mind if I do.

Let me explain how to make them in no time! 

First you will need
*dark or light brown pipe cleaners (2.99)
*very small googley eyes (1.99)
*small red puffs (1.99)
* candy canes (1.09 each)
*glue gun

The candy canes will be the ears.  You take an entire pipe cleaner and wrap it around the center of the canes tightly.   

Then dab a bit of hot glue behind each eye and red puff and make the face and voila!  You have yourself a very inexpensive give to give to your little ones!

They turned out so cute.  

What did you make your little ones this year as a treat?  I'd love to see!

I hope that with break coming I can post this Polar Bear Unit that has been 85% done for weeks now!  

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Going Elf Crazy in the Classroom!

Hey everyone!  This December has been going by quick and can I say, my little ones have NEVEr behaved better.  Could it be due to the fact we have a little elf visitor named Bill checking up on them everyday?  Who knows.  But I could get use to this!  

I am linking up today with Mel D & Michelle on our classroom and home elf capades!  I've also been hashtagging #elfintheclassroom daily so everyone can check up and see what Bill our Elf is up too!

Here's what our elf Bill has been up to lately...

Just the other day, Bill was feeling political so he was just hanging out by the flag.  LOL it was fun to see him up there!  The kids got a kick out of it.  

Today, he was by our glitter sticks.  Such a funny story behind that.  I forgot to move the elf today.  I had so many meetings in the morning, I just simply forgot.  So when I walked the kids in today, I was like "OMG where's the elf!"  and phew I saw him here and noticed my aide moved him without me noticing!  I panicked!  LOL  Which leads me to this e-card that makes me giggle, everytime I see it!

This was sooooo me today!  

Now tomorrow he's going to be so tired from his busy week, this is where the kids will find him. 

He's going to be napping on my desk.  YES he does nap with his eyes opened.  How else will he see what's going on and deliver the news to Santa.


Last week, my baby grown up brother volunteered to play Santa at our school for a few days.  I knew he would't say no and I needed to laugh for a few days so thought it would be perfect.  The students would take pictures with him and then he would stop by the classes to make sure everyone was behaving.  Everyone loved him!!  This is him and I in front of my classroom door!

He's a skinny minny so he needed some stuffing for his tummy!  Isn't he the cutest. =)  

What's that?  You want to see my door a bit closer?

Last year I made this cute little door

I received so many compliments. So I knew this year, I had to go even bigger.  A coworker of mine gave me a fabulous idea about the gingerbread house and we worked together to make it.  I think it turned out awesome.  I get compliments daily!  I love it and so do the kids.  

Before I go, I wanted to show you what us coworkers are up to this holiday.  We started a secret santa a few years ago but each year our group keeps getting bigger.  We have 10 ppl this year and we  do 3 small gifts and 1 big gift at the end.  This is one of my small gifts I got last Friday.

My favorite chocolate covered pretzels and an ornament with my initial.  I just love it!  I can't wait for this weeks gift.  I love gifts. =) 

I'm off to my Christmas party now!  Happy Wednesday.

Don't forget to join the Elf Linky Party and show everyone what your elf has been up too!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

You've Been Elf'd Freebie!

So I have been racking my brain on how to get my little ones to calm down a bit more.  They know the holidays are near and they are just full of energy.  

So I came up with this!


Earlier this week, our favorite elf came to visit.  The class decided on naming him "Bill" and he's been visiting us ever since.  I will say the class has been calmer since he has arrived but I need more serenity!  

Before I show you what I came up with, please take a look at how we found Bill today.

He was sleeping on a tissue box!  The kids loved it.  There was a note beside it that read, "Hey Ho boys and girls.  I was making you something and then I took a nap.  Please have your teacher finish it for me fast.  Happy Holidays!

And look what he left for them!

Of course I the elf didn't finish in time before the kids got to class this morning, so he left me to do his dirty work.  

So let me show you how to make this cute little freebie for your little ones.

You need 
*candy canes (1.99 @ Party City)
* pencils (24 for $3 @ Party City)
*hole puncher
*my holidays tags (free)

First you start cutting out the tags.
Next, place a hole puncher on the top left corner and then at the bottom right corner.

Now first I tried a hole puncher, but the hole was too small for the candy cane.  So I found myself making more than one hole to make it bigger.  That was fine, but I found that using this little guy was much less time consuming.  

Then I placed the end of the candy cane through the top left and slid it through the back and out the bottom right corner.  Does that make sense?  

If not look at this....

I hope this picture helps.  It's so easy to do and comes out so cute!!
I printed the tags with card stock to make it sturdier.

Here are what the  pencils and candy canes look like.  I think it's so festive and cute.  It's a great reward for this time of year. 


 I can't decide which one I like more.  I might have to say the candy canes just because I can eat it. LOL


Okay, moving on to another cute idea I am trying tomorrow. 
In the same freebie, I have also included a little thing I have decided to name "Elf'd"

Now when you catch the little ones being good or doing something extra nice this is the best time to reward them.  When they leave the class for gym or for a special, you drop of these little elf cards, to let them know that the elf was there visiting and noticed they did something special.

There are 2 versions of this kind.

Simply drop it off on the student's desk and read this note when they come back to the class.

I can't wait to do this tomorrow with my little ones.  I hope they love it!

Do you want to share in my excitement and do the same thing with your little nuggets?

You can grab this freebie by clicking here or going to my tpt store and seeing what else I have in there.

Please let me know what you think.  Love, love, love your feedback!

I am off!  We have a Winter Fest going on tonight in my town and I want to swing by!

Happy Thursday!

Stay tuned this Sunday for my long await Polar Bear Unit.  I have been neglecting it for a bit but it's almost complete! = )

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Cyber Monday Sale Starts NOW!

Hope everyone had a great turkey day.  I can't believe I ate that much.  Everything was so tasty, it was hard to pass up!  

Now, if your like me, your waiting for Monday for the Cyber Sale to catch the best deals online rather than getting up and going to an actual store.  

Well, I am throwing my own Cyber Sale along with TpT.  

Everything in my store starting now will be 20% off until Wednesday!  I decided to start early because, I mean who doesn't love a long sale?  So stock up now and make sure to grab everything you can while it's such a bargain.  If you also type in code CYBER (starting tomorrow) at checkout you will get an extra 10%, totaling a whopping 28% savings!

Now that's a deal, I can't ignore.  

If your trying to figure out what to grab here are some goodies that will fit perfectly for the holidays and even the New Year!

It's got everything you need to supplement your Penguin Unit!  I usually introduce and review arctic animals in January.  This would be perfect for after the holidays. =) 

My little ones are obsessed with this Writing through the Winter  bundle.  It has everything from writing printables to topics cards and writing starter ideas.  It's great to toss in a center, homework or if your little ones finish something early.  

This Reindeer Packet is my best seller.  My little ones really loved making this last year and loved to imagine what it would be like if they had a reindeer of their own.  What a fun way to create ideas!

Good luck shopping!  Happy holidays. =)