Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Classroom Tour...Come Take a Peek! =)

okay so am i late? lol because im finally linking up with Swimming into Second and Beg Borrow and Steal for their fabulous classroom pics tour!! 

im so excited...because this year took me the longest....and i know why....i had so many wonderful tips and ideas from all you awesome bloggers..it was hard to decide what to do...i have to say im not 100% finished...as im sure ill be brining in things here and there and decorating as we go...but in the meantime..take a look at my entire class first ..
and heres the other side of it

i absolutely am obsessed with my reading corner and that comfy chair....my god it was expensive but it's def going to be worth it.....i read to the kids constantly...and you have no idea how much i have to like bed and stretch to get my legs to wake up ..they tense up in the chairs that i usually use...but im hoping with this pup that my legs will get up feeling engery!! idk if you can tell bu the polka dots is a blanket! i went the other day and fell in love with this polka dot carpet i saw they had online (polka dots is my theme) but it was sold out...of course my luck!! but she said to come back in a week to pick them up bc they are constantly coming ...so in the meantime illjust use the fab blankets...their cute and soft so theyll do...did you check out the crates? ahhh amazing!! and pretty comfy!! I want the kiddies to love and enjoy reading and i think they will in this comfy and cozy corner..!! check out my walls...
yes i still have a picture of my class from last year....as i told you in a blog once before..they were amazing!! LoL
my kiddies love this...to the right are for individual students...i give them stars when i see one doing something nice or working quietly....once they reveive 10 stars ..they get a lil treat from me! on the left is more for returning tests...idk how you gals have it set up...and id love to hear your ideas!! idk how i do it but students test on Friday (4 tests) and i have it done by the end of the day...Just the thought of bringing work home with me makes me sad! So i do them over snack, prep, and lunch just to give them as they are leaving for school ...lol ...Anywho on Monday ...they must they must they must...have it returned and signed...it doesn't matter if they have a 100 or 75...i want to see their parents signed it ...now i know some teachers only want the ones that are below 75 but i feel like that would make life to difficult for me lol...so i need all of them back to put in their folders...if they return it back ...they get a star on the left ...once they receive 5 stars...they get a free choice!! they love it and it usually works great..but id love to hear what you do for returning tests!
okay so i got the blank chart next to me only because it was polka dots...and didnt have a clue what to do with it..but then i thought i could put the Spelling Words each week on there...it's perfect because its right there for them to see ..and its a great visual! on the right is the 100 chart...i check off each da until we get to 100...then we party!! as you can tell...and i just noticed grrr...how my background paper is kinda of like coming out? it's because its sooooo hot in the school and humid ..this always happens!!
okay so i love bins!! as you can tell already lol...but anywho i think their great for keeping organized and i think they keep the room bright with their fun colors...the empty ones you see here will be for centers..i still have to fill it up with pencils...crayons..glues etc....but i cant wait for them to use it ...moving on...heres a close up of my library...grr this library was given to me from a teacher retiring...and i was  thinking of painting it and making it fabulous but it wobbles alot..and now im afraid it will fall on a student...oh no!! so this week im going to have to suck it up and splurge on a library!! but anyway take a looksie

i think it will do for now until i recplace it...i love the way the books look nice and neat and not disorganized!! okay finally this is my dry erase board..for all of you who dont know her.. ( many of you must know her...shes awesome!) Lori from Teaching With Love and Laughter had an awesome giveaway recently...with awesome borders for a dry erase board...to make a long story short..i didnt win! apparently alot of people wanted !! but next time i will i know it lol...anyway i decided to make my own with velcro...take a peek!!
its cupcake borders and just so cute...so this will do !! im so glad and finally relieved i can share my pics with all of you!! hopefully you enjoyed it as well....let me know what you guys think...omgg1! almost forgot ...don't forget to check back on Sunday...i have suchhhhhhhh a cute Halloween Craftivity you will absolutely love...and also i have reached 500 followers...woot woot..i cant believe i started this all in May and now have reached a milestone for me....i will be doing an awesome week giveaway for that from seriously amazing bloggers....so check back in for those posts!! enjoy your night!


  1. I love your classroom!! It's so pretty and colorful! :)
    Miss Elementary

  2. I love all your bright colors and that reading corners is ADORABLE!!!

    The Hands-On Teacher in First!

  3. I found your blog through Surfin' Through Seconds giveaway and I am so glad I did. Your classroom is adorable, thank for sharing your pics. I am your newest follower.

    Mrs.G's Kindergarten in Heels

  4. Thanks for stopping by my Clip Art page:) I'm already of a follower of your blog...LOVE it!! I can work on some Columbus stuff....what kinds of things were you wanting??

    1...2...3...Teach With Me
    Dots of Fun!

  5. wonderful design; you could do interior decoration :)

    I have lots of decors and decor freebies too...and I am a new follower.

    Take a Walk on the Teaching Side

    My Teachers Pay Teachers Store
