Thursday, September 20, 2012

Crazy Week and an Update!

AHHH! I can't believe I haven't posted since Sunday! It's crazy how busy I always am since school started.  We started centers this year and I'm going crazy setting them up so they are perfect.  I'm not super organized but I feel that it's necesaary to be organized for this kind of thing!  I've missed blogging though so I am alive, in case you were wondering! 

I wanted to share an update with yall.  On September 11th, we made my Sept. 11th Craft and they came out awesome!  They were so cute and the kiddies just loved making them.  I tried to explain to them why we remember September 11th and why it's important.  I didn't go into too much detail but they understood and were excited to make these!!

Aren't they the cutest?  Our next craft on the list is my own craft Johnny Appleseed.  If you want to see more about this cute craftivity, check out my store HERE!  I'm off!  I have so much center work to get done that I'm afraid I'll be doing it over the weekend,ahh!! Have a good night yall and check back Sunday for a sweet new craftivity that you will ummm love of course =)


  1. I know what you mean! I feel like I haven't had a chance to breath since school began back in August! LOVE the craft!

    Ms. Smith
    Adventures of Ms. Smith

  2. These turned out great! I hope you get all your work done. I've been running ragged these days and I'm really hoping to catch a break soon. I'm crossing my fingers for you and those centers!

    Primarily Speaking

  3. Looks great!!!! I, too feel like I'm going 90 mph.
    I'm having a fall linky party/sale on Sept 22. Come link up and join the sale!

    Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
    Mrs. Wheeler TpT

  4. They turned out great girl :) Can't wait to see some more projects done by your class :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life
