Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cyber Sale and a "Beary" Cute Craft!

Soooo this long weekend went quick huh!!  I want to share with you all that my fiance and I finally booked our venue for our wedding!  I'm so happy to say I will be marrying my love on July 18th 2014.  Ahhhh I am so excited just wish it was sooner.  But we both know we want a house before we marry and that is our goal so we have to be smart.  But wahh I wish it was next year!  LoL   I will be keeping you all posted on my nuptials! 
I want to remind you all.. ( although I am sure you would never forget) there is a huge Cyber Sale Monday-Tuesday.  I will be extending mine until Wednesday.  I love sales and so I thought you would enjoy an extra day of shopping!
I linked up with Michelle from The 3am Teacher for an awesome linky!
Check below to see who else is throwing a sale.  What a great way for us teachers to come together and share all our ideas at a VERY good price =)
Since the sale was coming I wanted to whip up a cute craft for you all.  I didn't exactly "Whip" this up as I have been working on this for a while now.  Talk about procrastinating!  But this is my favorite month aside from Halloween and soooo here is it :

I loved making this.  I kept saying so cute! LoL

This packet includes:

-stencils/directions for craft
-ABC order
-Making Words
-Writing prompts- full/half page/primary/secondary-black and white
-Writing letters
-Unscrambling printables
-Word search

and much more

take a peek at what's inside:

Don't you love this?  If you think it's as adorable as I do, check it out HERE at my TpT Store. 

Don't forget to check out what else I have in my Store for the holidays!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday..and check back this week for an adorable Winter freebie!



  1. Love the new craftivity!

    Heather (

  2. Many congrats to you on your booking! Sooo exciting, girl!!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  3. Has anyone said that your article is very good yet? I will give you a single ten for this achievement. Thanks

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