Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Currently, My Latest Craft and a Cute Freebie!

Hey all.  It's been such a busy week since I have had off due to Sandy and the mess she left in our area.  So I got to crafting and coming up with cute things for my class and to share with all of you.  I am excited for the holidays if you haven't been able to tell. =)  I came up with a cute game for my class to do during centers!  This center game is called Candy Cane  It includes the pre primer and primer dolch sight words.  It's such a fun game for the kiddies to work on together in groups of 2-4. It's a sight word game with little surprises in between to make it more interesting.  I know my kiddies will have a blast with it and I am sure your little ones will too.  Here are some pics from the pack:


You can find this packet here at my TpT Store. This is a great center activity and will grab your kiddies attention.  It's only $3.  If you laminate the cards you can reuse them year after year.  Please leave me a comment if you do grab one.  I love to hear your comments and suggestions.
After I came up with this I also came up with a freebie for all of you to enjoy.  This is a Thanksgiving Writing Freebie 
This freebie is just what you need to get your kids to work on their writing. It's 4 writing prompts that involve writing about Thanksgiving.

This packet includes:
4 writing prompts/black and white/color/primary/secondary
Grab this freebie.  Your little ones will enjoy writing about their Thanksgiving and their favorite dish.  Don't forget to leave a comment with what you think.! =)
And finally I am linking up with Farley for her currently.
  I love linking up with Farley I always get to see such great blogs that I haven't seen before.  Don't forget to link up!!
Okay well that was a long post!!  Well thanks for stopping by.  I hope you enjoyed my Freebie and my Pre Primer and Primer Game Set
If you were able to get to this long post and would love to win my Pre Primer and Primer Game Set,
 Please leave me a sweet comment with your e-mail and I will do random generator tonight!  You have until 12 am EST tonight! Good Luck. =)
Congrats to Rikki from The Hive. You won my packet! I will be sending it to you shortly.  Thanks for stopping by. =)
Don't forget to check out my Elections Craftivity.   Elections are on Tuesday and this would be a great way to introduce the elections to the kiddies with fun printables and activities.
. I made so many more crafts this week. I am so excited to share them with you. So stop by this week for more chances at winning my new craftivities!!


  1. Thank you for the freebie! Would love to win!

  2. I too would love love to win. Cute freebie!

    The Hive

  3. Thanks for the wonderful freebie! Would love to win your Candy Cane game- you always have such cute things!

    Heather (

  4. Found you through Farley! Good luck as you head back to your classroom! My community was devastated by a tornado a year and a half ago, so I know it can be rough heading back. I'm sure the kids will love being back together. Happy November!

  5. I found you through the currently linky. I'm glad to hear you are safe and going back to work. When life is challenging, sometimes its those routines that help us start to feel back to normal.

    Surfing to Success

  6. Thanks for the writing freebie!!! I am now following you on TPT also!! Found you from Farleys!

  7. Thanks for dropping by my blog! I am your newest follower! A new Mac would definitely be at the top of my wish list if I didn't have it. It took awhile for me to get used to Mac after switching from PC but it is amazing what this little machine can do! I love your election crafts! Our election plans got cut short because of the days we missed for Hurricane Sandy and then it is conference week and we have Election Day off. Oh well, only four more years until the next one!

    Sent From My iPad

  8. Thank you for the freebie! I'm another new follower...I found you through A Cupcake for the Teacher's blog. I would love to win :)
    Michelle (

  9. Hey I blogged about winning your fun packet. Here is the link if you would like to check it out:

  10. We found your adorable blog on "Currently" by Farley! We're your newest followers! =)
    -Jackie and Danielle-
    Sister Teachers
