Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12 in 12 Linky!

Hey everyone.  So far I have a post everyday this week!  Talk about being with it. =)  I am so excited to do this 12 in 12 linky!  Sounds like such a fun way to get to know some fabulous teachers!  I am linking up with the one and only Hadar !
12. Favorite movie you watched:
I would like to say that I did see some terrible movies. And as much as I want to say "Magic Mike" was my favorite...I'd feel awful because it didn't have a good story line just some fabulous eye candy !  So  here is mine..
Well let me explain this movie... It's about Denzel ( awesome actor) who's a pilot and the plane unfortuantely crashes.  However because he was such a great pilot he was able to save the plane from killing anyoone.  After some investigation they find that he had been doing somethings before the flight that are ...let's just say illegal!  My fiance says it's a true story.  Not sure if he's lying or not but it just definitely gets you thinking!  If you are already afraid of planes...Do NOT watch this. =)
11. Favorite TV series:
Is it bad if I say any "Housewives" I am obsessed with?
Please don't judge me for absolutely loving these ladies!  They are not my idols by any means.  But boy do I just laugh and giggle when I see them.  They are well beyond their 30's and the drama never ends.  It's always fun to see the new characters and see the different spin they give they show.  If you haven't watched it, just watch one episode!  It sure will make you laugh. =)
10. Favorite restaurant:
Okay seriously I just love this restaurant.  Yes it can be a tad over my budget but whenever my honey and I had a fun day or even getting over a tiff.. we are always like...let's go to Franco's for dinner.  Yum.  I want some now.  My favorite dish is called "Chicken Danielle" : Chicken w prosciutto, mozz and roasted red peppers. Ahh Now I want some!
9. Favorite new thing you tried:
Obviously my TpT Store and my Blog!  I am forever grateful to my buddie/bridesmaid Teri for introducing me to it.  It's so weird. I go home and either blog or craft and I can't seem to remember what I used to do before TpT or my Blog ever existed. So thanks girl! =)
8. Favorite gift you got:
I got engaged. I love this picture.  I look so truly happy! =)
I just love it so much!!  People are always saying how gorgeous it is and they could see it shine from across the room. <3
7. Favorite thing you pinned:
No, I am not married yet nor do I live with my honey, but I can't wait until I do.  And I know I will feel this way. 
 I also know I feel this way for sure. =)
How true is this? At least I know for my fiance and I it is.  I think when we are bored we just annoy each other. =) Ah it makes me smile.
6. Favorite blog post:
Definitely my post on how to make crates!  It was so much fun making it and I loved the end result:
Can I just say my kids absolutely are obsessed with these crates and always want to sit in them.  And can I say my chair is the most comfortable thing ever!
5. Best accomplishment:
Definitely finising my Master's in Reading.  It's such a great feeling to know I futhered my education and have learned so much through the process.  I completed my master's at
Great program for us teachers with some awesome professors!
3. Favorite memory
Definitely getting engaged!
This is us the following day at our mini "engagement party"
One of my best bridesmaids made this for me and I just loveeeee it. <3
2. Goals for 2013:
Be more organized!
Spend less on silly things.
Enjoy life and truly enjoy every minute you spend with your family. 

1. One Little Word:


  1. Seriously!! What did we do with our time before blogging?! Glad I can share it with you in real life! :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  2. OMG we may have the same ring! You must have great taste :) or your soon to be hubby does! CONGRATS!


  3. You guys do look so happy together and that ring is absolutely gorgeous :) Wishing you and your honey a lifetime of happiness :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  4. You are so in love, & it shows! Congrats! Many happy years ahead!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  5. Congratulations on your engagement! I have to admit...I'm a fan of the Housewives series too! (So, I won't be judging, lol!) I try not to watch them, but just can't turn away from the craziness! LOL! Congrats, again! And I'm not sure exactly how I spent my free time before blogging either! It's the best! =)

    Mrs. Dwyer’s A+ Firsties

  6. Congrats on your engagement! And your ring is gorgeous!! I love your polish color to, is it a gel color?... I'm obsessed with gel an polish colors and everything manicure related ha! Anywhoo, congrats again!

    MOORE Fun In Kindergarten
