Thursday, December 6, 2012

What has Freddy the Elf Been Up To?

Omg what a busy week it has been!  I had a very important lady observe my class Monday....Ahh!! We had back to school night yesterday and don't forget Christmas shopping...all in the same week.  So exhausting but the week is almost over.  To be honest what has gotten me by is where I will put the elf the next day. LoL.  I have never been so into it before but seeing all these great ideas from Pinterest has got me really involved!  
 So to start the week off on the right track I gave the kiddies donuts Monday, as a treat. They were so great the week before I had to treat them ...and myself for having such a great class! 
Anywho, a  student asked me if we can leave a donut for Freddy the Elf.  I said sure and immediately thought what I would do the next day.  Look what my cutesy brain came up with.

If you can see on the right hand side...those are crumbs from the donut he ate!  LoL... I also had him look like he had written them a letter.  The letter went something along the lines how they are great kiddies and to keep trying their best and to always remember Santa is watching.  They of course wanted to die!  They couldn't believe he ate the donut.  It made me giggle a bit! 
So needless to say they weren't their best behaved that day. LoL.. Why would they be . I mean the Elf ONLY left them a note to remember to behave.  LoL  I knew I had to incorporate their behavior with the Elf somehow for the next day...and so I did.

It's hard to here is a close up look at what Freddy the Elf did.
He was lounging in the bandaids jar!  I left them a note as well along the lines of " You hurt my feelings and your teacher's bc you were not well behaved.  This is why I have bandaids on because I am so hurt"  Please try to be your best today.  LoL.  Just writing this I am dying laughing.  It's too cute and they all seriously listened to him and were back to themselves again... which is Great! 
Next day I kept thinking what I would do next.  I realized I had not put up my class tree of course I then came up with this!
Seriously.... how adorable?  Ughh too cute!
  I have to start thinking about tomorrow.  Gosh I am such a child.  I can't wait to do this with my own kiddies one day. =)
Okay you have to come back Sunday and check out my latest craft:  New Year's!  Stay tuned for that and another fabulous giveawayof my own!... Speaking of giveaways.. don't foret to check out my bloggy gal's giveaway! 
Okay yall ...enjoy your night! =)

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing all the elf mischief! I love Freddy in the band-aid jar and the note he left! lol

    I bet the donut was delish! ;)

    Bren P.
    The Teacher Diaries
