Monday, January 28, 2013

Gracious Groundhogs Along With My Favorite Super Bowl Dish!

I couldn't wait to post this today as I thought it came out amazing!  My class made this little guy last Friday but we did the writing part this morning and they had so much fun making it! I worked on this board with my gal A Cupcake for the Teacher. =)  
We each had a different kind of groundhog.  They came out adorable!

Here's a closer look.

I love the freckles on this one. 
He really wants a pet groundhog too.  He was talking about it all day! 

 Of course  girl made this.  LoL  Too cute!  She would name her pet Groundhog Queen.  

If you haven't grabbed this little guy, you can head on over to my { TpT }
 to check out what's included.

But seriously... I had so much fun making this little guy!


He's just too cute!

Anyone excited for football this week?  I am! I am!  But honestly since my Cowboys aren't playing I have no idea who is!! 

What I am really excited about is the 

I have a big evaluation on Monday so I can't stay out too late.  My friend is having a party and I told him I would bring a dip.  I know the best one.
When I first got Pinterest this was one of the first things I pinned and immediately made.  Seriously amazing and so easy!  

I got this amazing recipe from Souffle Bombay.  She has some awesome recipes so drop by her Blog to check it out. 

This only has 5 ingredients:

1 package of cream cheese
1 cup mayo
1 cup shredded parmesan cheese
1 cup diced vidalia onion 
1 tsp pepper

350 for 45 minutes and Voila!!

I love garlic so I add some garlic powder in there along with some extra cheese.  I am a huge cheese fan.

Just amazing.  I can't wait to eat this on Sunday.  I eat this with yummy bread and crackers. 

 When my dad first had it, he mixed it in with his rice LoL.  Whatever works.  This is actually suppose to feed 4 or 5 people and I have to serve my honey or he eats more than half!  

What are you doing for the Super Bowl?  Are you making any special dishes?  I'd love to hear it.


If your a follower of my { TpT }, you might have gotten an e-mail saying that I just uploaded a new product.  The first person who can tell me what that product is, will win it! =)


  1. Your groundhogs look amazing, so super cute!! The recipe looks delish!

    Amy Howbert
    Little Miss Organized

  2. The groundhogs are SO cute - and that recipe looks delicious!
    Definitely pinning that for future reference - thanks for sharing! :)
    Joy in the Journey

  3. Cute groundhogs! We have a love of cooking in common- that dip looks great. I'm making sweet and sour meatballs from Chrissy at Stick a Fork in It, and probably a few other things from Food Network Magazine.

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  4. Your Groundhog Bulletin Board is AWESOME!!! Love it! And that quick recipe is MUST TRY, even for a non-cooker like me!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  5. Your groundhogs are adorable! That dip looks delicious too! Can anything with cheese, mayo, and onions be bad though? Still in the application progress for the job, but had two phone interviews this month. Fingers crossed. Both would be more in the Jersey/Philadelphia area. I will keep you posted. :)

    Eclectic Educating

  6. You posted St. Patrick's Day Lucky Little Leprechauns!! Love the groundhogs!!!!!

  7. TOO Cute!! Love love love the little groundhogs :)


    Sparkly, Quirky Lifebox
    The Quirky Apple
