Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Currently and a Lucky Giveaway!

Sooo I am linking up with Farley for her infamous Currently!

My honey and I have been on a house hunt lately and grr It's such a long process.  I hope we find something we *love* soon because it's truly exhausting!

Spring is seriously knocking on my door and telling me to start Spring cleaning.  My room is such a mess with boots, Uggs, and flats.  It's just time to put it all away and take out my flippies!

Around this time people I know start tanning and going on vacations where they come back burnt with a tan.  So I start to look a bit pastey next to them!  I need a tan!

Kudos to me!  I have been eating healthy lately....FINALLY!  I always gain a few lbs over Christmas time and this year it's taking me a tad longer than usual to get rid of it.  But I feel it's slowly coming off. Phew!

A sweet friend of mine, Nicole from Teaching with Style is having an awesome giveaway.  She has reached 1000 followers on her blog.  Ahhh I can't wait until I get there. Until then I will be celebrating with her. =)

Drop by her blog by clicking HERE to enter.  I am offering my Lucky Little Leprechauns for St. Patrick's Day!  
Stop by! 


  1. Hello! Visiting from currently! Good luck searching for a house. I've been through the process and yes it takes a while. But the wonderful thing is that you (hopefully) get the house of your dreams in the end!

    MrsMc from Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

  2. I saw your blog on Farley's Currently for March. I also teach first grade. I started blogging in late Aug of 2012, and I also am addicted to it. A grad class I just finished was taking A LOT of my time, but well worth it. I'm glad to be back to feeling "normal" again. I hope you find a house will. It's hard to believe DH and I have been in our home for 9 years. We plan to move, but not for a few years. Good luck!
    p.s. I'm your newest follower.

  3. I feel you about the house hunting! I just moved into my new house a couple of weeks ago after searching for about 1.5 years. It is SUCH a relief, after TWO failed attempts. (The buyers backed out of the first, and the second failed the inspection) I know that it is exhausting, hang in there! :)

    Second Grade Math Maniac
    Bear in Mind Blog Design

  4. My wanting was a house too! Here's to us both finding "the one" soon!

    Teaching In Oz
