Friday, March 15, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Fun with a Splash of Five for Friday!

I am doing my first ever Five for Friday hosted by the awesome Doodle Bugs Teaching!  I always see amazing bloggers link up so I wanted to give it a shot!


This week was parent's week so I wanted to get all my crafting done for the week to impress show my parents what my kiddies have been up to! 

This is what's in the front of our door.  Excuse the lighting!  It's so hard to take good pics in the halls.  It's so dark and I quickly do it because I don't want teachers knowing I am taking pics!

1. This is from Easter Bunny Craft Pack!  The top says "Bunny Talk" but you can't really see it. =(  This cute little girl wants to name her bunny "Little Rabbit" and let her dog play with him.  If only that would be safe!! LoL

2.  This is my best friend during school hours.  She picks me up when I'm sad.  Makes me comfortable when I am grumpy.  She is everything I ever want.  I find myself wanting to read books to my class ALWAYS just so I can sit in this chair.  Everytime someone walks in they laugh because they know I love it.  I was actually annoyed when I bought this chair because it was $39 in the summer! But now I wish I can buy another for home!

3.  The gifts I got my kiddies today for St. Patrick's Day.  Not going to lie I bought these in February from The Dollar Tree and they have been in my truck ever since.   I kept telling myself I had to make cute tags to attach them but I just didn't have it in me.  I think they were adorable on their own anyways.  I loved the pencils too!

4.  This is a very sweet gift from a very sweet child!  She brought me this in the beginning of the week  and it made me smile. =)  Spring can't get here soon enough!

5.  Finally, this is my adorable yorkie "teacup" terrier.  I have to say teacup because when I bought him for tons and I mean TONS of money I specifically wanted a teacup!  I was broke during college when I bought him but still told myself and kept telling myself I could afford him.  His name is Diesel and he's the brattiest dog in the world.  I know for certain hes a human trapped in a dog's body!  But he looks precious here and clearly here's ready for St. Patty's Day!

The 2nd pic is a picture of a picture! There was an extra person there and didn't think she wanted her face floating around the bloggy world!  The other two are my bridesmaids/1st grade teachers/therapists/best friends!  Teri, Keri and I took this picture last year!  LoL  Those mustaches were definitely hard to keep on but def fun!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  What do you all do to celebrate?


  1. We had a leprechaun visiting our room this past week, looking for hard work and kindness. He left notes for the kids and hopped all around the room. Our kiddos loved to write back to him and ask him questions! It was a fun week!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  2. Did I know you had a yorkie? I don't think so! I have two and mine are THE brattiest! But, they are so darn cute, so, it makes up for their bad ass attitudes! Diesel is adorable!
    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. Aww diesel is so cute! Worth the splurge :)

    Miss Elementary

  4. Ooo that chair looks super comfy and Diesel is a cutie :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  5. Cute puppy!
    I am having a “Spring Break Bucket List” linky party...stop by and link up!

    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  6. Your chair looks so comfy! I definitely want one for next year! Glad you have such a great 1st grade team!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  7. Love the bunnies, too cute. I am your newest follower.

    The First Grade Princess
