Thursday, March 28, 2013

Out With The Old & In With The New!

Hey everyone!  

So today was our last day of class before we go on Spring Break!  We go back on April 8th!  

A few weeks ago a teacher friend of mine and showed me a magazine called 
R I Novelty with party supplies and cute gadgets.  I told her I didn't really want anything.  She MADE me look again and by the time I finished looking through it, I had spent $65 on my kiddies.  Great!  
Exactly what I needed, to spend MORE money!

However, when it came in I was more than happy and couldn't wait to set it up for my little ones.

Let me explain!  I have always wanted to update my "Treasure Chest".  I never got around to it and time went  just passed by.  So I decided to update it using the items in this magazine.

First take a look at the old "Treasure Chest"


Now look at the new one!!

Isn't it amazzzzzing!!

Look what's inside!!

I really went all out and am so happy I did.  In this treasure chest I got leopard fans (so cute), nerd balls, notebooks, stickers, zoo masks, necklaces, puzzles, bubbles, sunglasses and so much more!  The kids were so well behaved when they saw it because they know if they don't behave they can't get anything.  I am so excited to bribe see them behave like little angels!

Every Friday is "Test Day".  The kids take a few assessments and I grade them all in that same day.  Call me Super Teacher!  
Anywho,  the student who gets all perfect scores on each test gets something from the treasure chest and also doesn't have homework on Monday.

The kids love this incentive because they work and study hard all week to get these perfect scores.

I also give the students who have "most improved"  from the previous week a little treat from the chest as well.  

What do you use for rewards or incentives in the class room?

Check back Sunday for my latest craft.. and don't forget to enter my giveaway!  It's ending on Sunday and I have some fabulous treats to give away!



  1. I have a prize box as well, mostly stocked with things from Target's dollar spot. I give away "MC" money and they can hoard that towards purchasing an item in the box. Happy Spring Break! I'm on mine excited!

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  2. Beautiful new treasure chest!

    Have a wonderful Spring Break!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  3. That chest is awesome! I've been wanting to update mine for a million years! Thanks for visiting me! I am so new I am barely on the block!
    A Burst of First
