Monday, June 10, 2013

Bloggy Giveaway and a Freebie!

Hey everyone!  Happy Monday.   We have 11 days left until Summer!  

I am so very excited.  I am excited for some time off and just in dire need of a nap!

I'm letting you know about an awesome giveaway starting today.

A bunch of awesome teacher bloggers are teaming up with Christina from Bainbridge Class to celebrate her 2 year Blog-A-Versary!  

Drop by her page my clicking HERE!  There are some awesome prizes being offered!

Just wanted to share with you what I just came across on Pinterest.  It's a FREEBIE created by the Pinspired Teacher.

I think this would be perfect for next year!  I think it would be great for keeping the noise level down outside of the classroom and for my previous students who come in constantly just to say hi. Maybe this poster will help them realize that they should probably visit me after testing.  

As you can tell I am already thinking of next year and this year hasn't ended!  

What do you have on your wish list for the next school year?


  1. What a cute sign - Thanks for sharing! I know what you mean about past students visiting...all the time! :) This sign is definitely needed!

    Joy in the Journey

  2. Cute sign...:) Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Blog-a-versary! Today is my 2 Month Blog-a-versary...I feel so small when I say that compared to your 2 years. :) Oh day!
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners
