Sunday, July 21, 2013

Love is in the Air - Mystery Flash Freebie!

Hey y'all!  

Love is in the air!! 

If you are following me, you'd know I have been posting about my Engagement Party I was having this summer.  It was yesterday!  It was really a BBQ for the wedding party and a few other close friends.  It was also to celebrate the fact that we are officially a year away from the wedding. =)   

I am so excited because it was AMAZING!  It was suppose to storm and instead it was the complete opposite.  It was a beautiful day and we were surrounded with friends who truly love us.  My fiance and I were honestly so honored and felt so loved yesterday, it was just a beautiful thing.  

I will be posting tons of pics this week as I gather myself tonight because I am exhausted!  But here's a few pics that I lovedddd for the night.

My honey and I at the end of the night.  I am loving this pic.  

(if you can notice, in the back of the cake, by the fence i posted pictures of friends family and my honey and I hanging from purple ribbon and glitter clothespins holding it up to give it a fun and cute look.. got so many compliments!)

I am seriously OBSESSED with this cake.  My beautiful MOH's got this for me because they are seriously just awesome. So glad they did because it was such a hit and tasted delicious.

Here's a pic of my absolutely favorite girls ever!!
I don't know what I would do without them and they are making this wedding planning so much fun.

(if you can tell, my bridesmaids wore their bridesmaids tank tops I got for them as a gift..they really all looked beautiful in it. More pics to follow)

Finally my friend Joa and I towards the end of the night. I am seriously lovin this girl.  She was on vacation at Myrtle Beach, SC  with her hubby and sweet boy, and she cut her trip a day short and drove back just for this party. WoW!  So happy she came. I'm lovin her tan too!

yes, that's a mason jar in her hand =)

Okay so keep posted this week for a huge post on my Wedding Party/Engagement Party BBQ.  I have tons of pics of the night and some cute ideas that were a complete hit the entire night. 

SO in honor of me being so completely in love with my honey and happy that the party was such a blessing.  I am throwing a FLASH FREEBIE for the next hour and a half. If you click HERE, you will  be taken to the mystery FREEBIE.  

I am in the process of updating the pack.  So when I do, you will be able to grab the latest edition. =)

Catch?  No, but I do ask that you follow my sweet little shop to stay posted on more tips, crafts and freebies in the future.  Click here to take you to my store.  

Grab the freebie now and let me know what you think. =) 

Happy Sunday!


  1. Thank you! Left feedback on your TPT page :)

  2. Thank You & Congradulations. Don't know how you are finding time for everything!

  3. I just clicked the link but its not free. I think I'm only 20 min into the hour. :(

  4. Dang EST time!! You look beautiful and can't wait to see ore pics!

  5. Congratulations! I just got home and missed the deadline, but I did sign up to follow you, so hopefully I can catch something else another time. Thanks for sharing.

  6. So sad I missed it :( Congrats on the upcoming wedding though! :)

    The Sweetest Thing
    Follow me on Bloglovin'!

  7. Congrats! The cupcakes look perfect. :)
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First
