Sunday, August 4, 2013

DIY Glitter Pins & Chalk & Chevron Classroom Management Pack

Okay so I love glitter!  I am always trying to find different ways to incorporate it into the classroom.  I think I have come up with a fabulous idea too!!  I hang up my student's work in a string that goes across the room.  I use clothespins to hold it up.  But they are womp womp BORING.  I though itd be easy to make my own and it is!!  Here is what you need!

*mini clothespins
*sponge brush
*paper to use for scrap

You can grab all these inexpensive materials at Michaels!  What I love about Michaels is that they always have a coupon and they have teacher discounts as well!  I love seeing my total and then giving a coupon along with my teachers discount.  It goes down A LOT!

*Now first take the scrap paper and dump some glue, then some glitter on separate piles like so

*take the sponge and dab it with some glue
*then dump the clothespin (glue side down) into the glue

*continue until you are finished with all the clothepins.  
*let it dry for at least half hour

Look how cute they turned out to be!

Here's a close up

You can even individialize it.  I created cute numbers from1-20 and plan on gluing it at the tip of the pin to individualize it.  This way my students know where they are going for centers or what job they have etc.  You will see more pics in a sec.

I am so excited to use this.  

In fact I use these glitter pins in my newest and amazing Classroom Management Bundle !  

It's here!!!!  It's finally here.  I am so happy to actually be sharing this with you.  It took me forever because every  time I thought I was done, I kept thinking of more things to add!

This is just a glimpse of what's included!  

Look what else I was able to create with my new apps on my phone!

I uploaded an app called Your Moments which let me create all of these neat pictures.  Here are some more!! 
If you notice in the pic below what I did with my glitter clothespins!  I printed out numbers from 1-30.  I plan on giving me students numbers at the beginning of the year.  These numbers will be with them for the rest of the school year.  So when I change jobs, centers, behavior etc., I will clip it with their numbers.  All they have to do is follow their numbers and they are all set! 
It doesn't hurt that its too darn cute to look at either.

and one more!! =)  

Excuse my camera.  I was shooting in a poor light area. 

Okay let me explain my hand sanitizer before you think I made a mistake.  I don't like germs, AT ALL.  Every year when we start school, I am refreshed, nice and clean with a mani and pedi in hand. My immune system..well it's at it's best. However my students come back to school and with their sneezing and coughing like little boys and girls do, tests my immune system and I usually get sick by the first month of school.  Has been happening every year. I try my best to avoid it but ehh I can't.  My hand sanitizer student tries their best from getting others sick!  He/She walks around before and after lunch and snack and gives everyone a shot of the sanitizer or shall I say "hanitizer" according to my students.  It's a great way to keep the germies away!

You can check out more by clicking HERE

This bundle is just what I need and maybe what you need to set up your classroom.  I am obsessed with chevron and chalkboard and love this theme!  It's so bright and colorful, I hope it catches the attention of my little ones!

This bundle includes 113 pages of:

*Days of the week


*Name that Shape
*Mystery Walker 
*Classroom Jobs
*Hand Signals
*How Do You Get Home?
*What’s the Date?
*Behavior Clip Chart
*ABC Word Wall
*Center Stations
*Table Numbers

I'd love to hear what you think about this.  I usually like to give my newest products away!  I am trying something different tho tonight  

If you drop by my Instagram,follow me and then leave a comment with what name you follow me under you will have a chance to win this bundle ! Or if you don't have  instagram,  drop by and like my Facebook Page. You def want to be a fan.  I have a few flash freebies coming this week only on facebook.
 I will pick 2 lucky winners tonight....okay tomorrow! 

I also have a very cute Grandparent's Craftivity coming your way this week.  

Don't forget to link up for Monday Made It!


  1. Love this! Just started following you on instagram.


  2. I made clothespins in the exact same colors! Great ways to incorporate them in your classroom. Your bundle is super cute and functional.

    Wild & Fun in Pre-K

  3. This is so cute! I love it. I am obsessed with bright chevron.. Following you on instagram @yurita07

  4. Woo! You have been busy, but everything looks fabulous, especially those sparkly clothespins! Oh, what a little glitter can do!

    For the Love of First Grade

  5. I love this bundle! Your clothespins are so cute! I follow you on Instagram (Aisforapplebisforblog).

  6. So cute! I love it. Just followed you on instagram... bethanydownard

  7. I love the glitter clothespins. I'm going to have to try and squeeze them in sometime in the next two weeks!

    Thank you for sharing your idea.
    Enjoy your last days of summer!


  8. Love the glitter clothespins! I used the exact same colors to make mine cuter!

  9. I love your style and this adorable bundle! It would look perfect in my new Kinder classroom! I have been searching for the perfect set and I have found it! I liked your fb page and cant wait to see more great ideas! Thank you so much!!!!

    Karen Newton

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi ran across your blog while searching for ideas for my new classroom, and this looks like it would make a great addition to my room :) Liked both your pages! laneyscreations on Instagram & Lanna Lane on Facebook :) Love your creative ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  12. I love your posts! I'm not a teacher, just a glitter addict. Your classroom sounds like the cutest around! Congratulations on your engagement!
