Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Classroom Management & Some Halloween Fun!

AHHHHHH!  I have been MIA. =*(  I haven't blogged in so long.  I am NOT to blame.  I was having trouble with my track pad on my mouse.  It just wasn't moving.  I let it rest for a few days in hopes it will feel better on it's own, but no luck.  I had to take it to the Apple store to get fixed.  

I am happy it's back in action.  I didn't know what to do with myself!

Anywho, a lot has been going on since my last post.  My little ones have been crafting on my Witch Craft.  They came out so adorable and their writing prompts are just too funny!  Take a look...

I share the board with another fab teacher and her little ones created the ghosts.  I think the combo of both is just so cute!

Here is the "Hall of Fame" I have in my class...

This one makes me giggle...

I would assume that bugs in a stew would taste like shoes too!  They really had such a great time coming up with their own ideas.

Moving on.... this year, I have some active kiddos.  My once brad new privacy shields are now suddenly being attacked   getting old and rusty.  So I had to look into some new and possibly sturdier ones...

I got these from Really Good Stuff.  They were $3.25 each.  They look and feel stronger than the last ones, so keep your fingers crossed.  They come in all different sizes and colors to fit your students needs.  I like them because they fit different sizes of the desk for little ones and for growing kids.    You can learn more by clicking here to take you straight there.

A little something I ordered as well was a library rack.  Yes, I definitely splurged on this, but I know it will last me a lifetime!  I haven't set it up yet but this is what it looks like.

This was $159.99 but it also came with my color choice of bins.  I picked my favorite color purple.    I can't wait to see how it looks.  To check out more library racks click here .  I am so happy and can't wait to set it up.

That's it for now.  I am currently re-updating one more pack and coming out with a penguin and polar bear bundle just in time for the holidays.  I also have a Winter Writing Bundles coming soon as well.

Happy Wednesday! =) 


  1. I have some center kits from Lakeshore that all of the "stuff" has been pulled out and I use those during testing. The only problem, I don't have enough for all of the kids. I don't really need them to all have one, they just ALL want one. It's terrible, I've had tears before a test because someone didn't get a privacy shield! LOL
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  2. Cannot WAIT for that penguin and polar bear pack! Hope you get your library set up how you want it - I am "Jonesin'" for one of those bookshelves now (when I have my own classroom, that is)! ;)

    Sarah Beth - Miss White's Classroom

  3. Just found your blog today, and I wish I could do those oh-so-cute Halloween projects. Unfortunately I have two Jehovah's Witnesses in my class and can't do any Halloween projects. :( But I did read what your kids wrote and it's too cute!

    I just put up some color freebies on my blog if you're interested, and a really nice color mixing guided reading book.

    Your latest follower,

    Sharon Dudley, NBCT
    Teaching with Sight
