Thursday, October 31, 2013

Witchin' You A Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween all!  What a great day it is !!  It was full of chocolates, candy and pizza. How can you go wrong with that? =)

I have been beyond busy as you know.  I usually have my goodie bags all done a week before with cute toppers and yummy candy!  This year, I had to finish the goodies during my prep time and I didn't even time for toppers or cute baggies this year. =*(  I still think it came out cute.  I tried my best to fill it with delish things. 

Every year we have a door contest.  Who ever decorates it the best wins a pizza party and if you win second you get an ice cream party!  

Since I started teaching, I win either first or second place....YAY!  Is it bad though, I kick and scream   pout if  we win second?  That's kind of what I did today when we won 2nd. LOL

The kids had a great time making their door and I know, it's all that matters. =) 

I can't help it if I am still a bit bitter about it.  

Here's my assistant and myself in front of our door!

The idea was "Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet"!  It was such a cute concept.  We painted their feet and imprinted it on bright colors.  Then I snapped pics of them and placed it on the picture.  

I also placed a witch on the door to make it look like she crashed! LOL

I love love love my door!  I think it's my favorite of all time!

What did you guys do for Halloween today?

My girl over at Live Laugh I Love Kindergarten is having a huge giveaway for her blogaversary!  Stop on by and enter.  There are some great products out there.  I am also donating my Writing Through the Fall packet, so drop on by!

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