Sunday, November 24, 2013

How to Clean Your Dry Erase Boards!

Happy Sunday! What a long week it's been.  I am slowly counting the days until Thanksgiving break so I can just SLEEP!

In the meantime, I'm hear to give you some tips and tricks on how to clean your dry erase boards.  If you don't have a chalk board like me, then you are always writing on this dry erase board.  Most of the time after erasing so many times, it starts to streak and hard to erase completely.  Sometimes after erasing it kinda looks like this...

OMG just looking at that gets me annoyed.  The reason why it sticks and smears like that is because of the black markers I use.  When I use bright colors, they erase just fine.  However with black markers, they tend to stay on longer.    

Now when I use this amazing miracle worker,

This is  dry erase towelettes from my obsession Really Good Stuff. I simply love it.  I buy a whole bunch at a time because I love them more than erasers.  They get the job done and make my boards look so darn squeaky clean, it's just awesome.

It makes all the sticky ooey go away.

Doesn't it looks phenoms?

Here's a better look when close together.

If you have a dry erase like me, I definitely suggest this towelette for easy clean up.  Just wipe off and it wipes off clean and clear. 


  1. It's like magic! I love the look of a fresh white dry erase board.

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  2. I'd love to try those! I usually use rubbing alcohol and it works pretty good too!

  3. Interesting. I've never heard of these towelettes. I usually use the expo spray and it cleans well.

    Shifting Teacher K-2

  4. Awesome!!! My dry erase board is crying out for a serious cleaning - I'm definitely going to be adding these to my order-asap list :)
    Thanks for sharing the tip!
    Joy in the Journey

  5. I have a brand new board that still looks good, but I will have to remember these when the board isn't as easy to clean.
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  6. Good idea! I use Magic Erasers instead of white board erasers and it keeps my boards a lot cleaner.

    Sara :)
    The Colorful Apple

  7. I am adding this to my shopping list! Thanks for sharing!!

  8. Woah! I'm still picking my jaw up from the floor. I can't believe the difference; it may as well me new!

  9. I love these but I only managed to find them in a store once, thanks for sharing the link to where you purchased them!

  10. This blog is very informative the stuff you provide I really enjoyed reading. ReMARKable dry erase board paint
