Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Computer's Back and going right to a GIVEAWAY!!

Hey all!!! It’s really been two weeks without a computer and my goodness it felt like forever…. I didn’t realize how much I use my computer or how im so dependent on it ….I also noticed that I usually would go on my computer when I was bored or just hanging out….so when that happened I was clueless on what to do lol…. I found myself pinning constantly on my phone at all times of the day ! Needless  to say I’m back and so happy to blog again!!  Before I left I was about to do a 200 giveaway…so here it is!

This is my first time using rafflecopter so I hope I get it right… I had some wonderful gals help me out with this and they will be donating one of their items from their store…   The 1st prize winner will receive a $20 giftcard to Amazon !  I really like Amazon ...i recently bought a whole bunch of i -phone cases for like $3...  The other two winners will receive a product of their choice from Dana AND receive Heidi's  Cooperative Learning Packet!! How awesome is that?... Make sure to enter !! The winner will be announced July 5th at 9 pm!!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Well aside from the Fabulous giveaway…I wanted to share somethings ive been pinning lately… These are something I definitely want to try for the beginning of the year… They are so cute and I think these adorable little ideas will definitely help the kids feel more comfortable on the first day of school…. What  do you guys do to make your kiddies feel comfortable on the first day? 

popcorn and note to send home with parents/kids at Meet the Teacher!

This is an awesome idea for the teachers and kids! Have you ever collected hanging material to send home and have to search everywhere for the names?  This would be so easy to do because you just look at the picture and know exactly who's it belongs too  SO SMART! =)


This would be great to do the first day to clear all those nervous butterflies the kiddies and teachers probably have!  It would definitely be a fun way to get the students interacting and feel more at ease.  What do all of yall do to make the first day go smoothly?  I want to know your share away =)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Craftivity and I'm a Giveaway Winner...Woot Woot!!

Hey everyone!! I hope everyone’s been having a great summer so far…. Unfortunately im still at school…we end next Thursday!!  The worst is that im done with all my grades so its hard to actually teach!!  I find myself giving them the silliest things to do ! Tomorrow my plan is for them to watch favorite movie!! 

My computer has been acting up a lot lately so im taking it tomorrow to get fixed surprised its working right now so im going to quickly try to get this post done…wahhh….my first reaction to actually being away from the labtop for so long was …how the heck am I going to blog??!!  But the sooner it gets done…the better!! I’ll try not to miss the bloggy world too much =(  When I do come back I’ll be having a 200 follower giveaway so keep an eye out for that!!

One of my bloggy friends Dana had a giveaway recently and I was the lucky winner!! I was really shocked and more excited when i heard what i won...Sharpies!! I feel like i always need im definitely happy to have won those!  Make sure to check out her blog and show her some love right here !!  She's got an awesome page.

On another note, If your still in school don’t forget to grab my Father's Day Craftivity !!  It’s full of fun filled activities to keep the kiddies busy!  It’s such a cute gift for dad...he’d love it ! You can grab it here at my TpT Store ...don't forget to become a follower and leave me some feedback =) 

I'm going to end this post quick before my computer freezes again.. Hopefully it'll get fixed so i don't always have to go on my blog through my phone!!  Talk to you all soon... =)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

School's Almost Out, Giveaway and a Yummy Snack!!

Yay we have about a week and a half left of school!! It’s going by so slow that it’s making my head turn… im struggling to stay energized throughout the day when I know id rather be either tanning or in  my room with air condition!! I def have to keep my energy up because now is when I have the most to do…grades….cleaning the classroom… storing and paperwork!! It’s definitely a crazy time of the year… I just hope it all gets done before the last day!  I definitely don’t want to be at school the last day still cleaning!  That just would be horrid. =(

On another note my bloggy friend Heidi is having her 100 Follower Giveaway!!…. She asked me if I could donate something and I was flattered!  I’m still getting used to how this bloggy world works but I definitely would help another newbie like myself out!!  She got a lot of nice bloggy friends to help donate some of their products… she has a couple different ways to enter.. so make sure you stop by and try to win…you don’t want to miss out…there is a lot of goodies!! 

and to end on a great note... i saw this on pinterest and now im craving it...cant wait to make some tomorrow with my honey

doesnt this look delishh???? i got this from It looks so yummy...if you think this tastes as yummy as it looks def jot down the  Sangria Recipe  !!cant wait to make it tomorrow!!! 

Nite Nite and check back soon for a giveaway im going to have !! =)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June Currently!

ahh this is my 2nd linky joining the Currently linky party... i think it's such a cute idea and am excited to be apart of it!! SO here it is 


 LoL I just noticed my currently has the squiggly lines under some words!! I'll have to figure out how to get rid of that for next time! 


Before we leave for summer there is something i definitely want to do before we leave...i got this idea from pinterest and it made my heart melt when i saw it.  I got this from Joy Coutts ...isn't this the sweetest?? 

 I had such a great class this year that i am positive i will miss them.  They were so fun and just so good to me.  It will be sad the day they leave.  I just hope next year will bring another awesome year. 

Aside from all that i'm so excited to go to Disney with my honey this August.  I haven't been there in so long im sure well have a great time!  Is it silly if i want to get autographs and wear those Minnie hats? hehe 


Monday, June 4, 2012

Tou-Can Do It Craftivity!!

Hey guys!! Okie so I had been working on this for a while and I just couldn’t wait to post it …so here it is…this is a back to school craftivity named Tou-Can Do It! 
I was inspired when we took the kiddies last week to the zoo.  I saw a Toucan and it just came to me! lol ..It’s a booklet that takes a fun approach to writing. It has them write about things they like and find interesting.  They will definitely enjoy this kind of writing!  Grab one of these  here at my TpT Store



                                                     This packet includes:

*Stencils and directions for the toucan*

*Bulletin Board poster*

*Writer’s Checklist poster*

*telling sentence poster*

*question sentence poster*

*exclamation sentence poster*

*full page prompt writing numbers (primary) *

*full page prompt worksheets (primary, color and secondary)*

 *half page prompts (primary, color and secondary)*

*full page prompt on favorite zoo animal (color, primary and secondary)*

Definitely grab one of these!… The kiddies will have a blast making their own Toucan…. You can grab one of these at my TpT Store.  Make sure if you grab it you leave me some feedback and follow me =)  Enjoy!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Giveaway Winner Is...

Hey guys!! I’m sad the weekend is over…it was such a nice relaxing weekend and it flew right by.. but that means there is only 13 days left…so excited.. I started to clean so hopefully I could get done by the end of the week with storing and organizing!! I Started to organize my closet.  It’s looking amazing. I’ll be posting pics this week!  Today’s the day of my giveaway.  I did the number generator.  I do kindly ask that the winner link back to my blog stating that they have won!  The winner is

Congrats BusyBees! I’ll be emailing you the gift card.  Check back tomorrow for an adorable back to school packet your kiddies are sure to love!!  Don't forget to check out my TpT Store for an awesome Back to School Craftivity.  It's only $1 and full of great ideas for back to school crafts and worksheets!  Have a great week everyone and thanks again for entering.