Saturday, June 9, 2012

School's Almost Out, Giveaway and a Yummy Snack!!

Yay we have about a week and a half left of school!! It’s going by so slow that it’s making my head turn… im struggling to stay energized throughout the day when I know id rather be either tanning or in  my room with air condition!! I def have to keep my energy up because now is when I have the most to do…grades….cleaning the classroom… storing and paperwork!! It’s definitely a crazy time of the year… I just hope it all gets done before the last day!  I definitely don’t want to be at school the last day still cleaning!  That just would be horrid. =(

On another note my bloggy friend Heidi is having her 100 Follower Giveaway!!…. She asked me if I could donate something and I was flattered!  I’m still getting used to how this bloggy world works but I definitely would help another newbie like myself out!!  She got a lot of nice bloggy friends to help donate some of their products… she has a couple different ways to enter.. so make sure you stop by and try to win…you don’t want to miss out…there is a lot of goodies!! 

and to end on a great note... i saw this on pinterest and now im craving it...cant wait to make some tomorrow with my honey

doesnt this look delishh???? i got this from It looks so yummy...if you think this tastes as yummy as it looks def jot down the  Sangria Recipe  !!cant wait to make it tomorrow!!! 

Nite Nite and check back soon for a giveaway im going to have !! =)


  1. Thanks Michelle for participating and for blogging about the giveaway :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. Hi! I just found your blog. I am your newest follower. I would love to have you visit my blog.


  3. You won the 80's Glam pack of Sharpies in my giveaway! Check your email for more info!
    :) Dana
    Stop by & visit me at Fun in 1st Grade

  4. Sangria!! Yes, please!

    New follower!

    Strive to Sparkle
