Monday, June 11, 2012

Craftivity and I'm a Giveaway Winner...Woot Woot!!

Hey everyone!! I hope everyone’s been having a great summer so far…. Unfortunately im still at school…we end next Thursday!!  The worst is that im done with all my grades so its hard to actually teach!!  I find myself giving them the silliest things to do ! Tomorrow my plan is for them to watch favorite movie!! 

My computer has been acting up a lot lately so im taking it tomorrow to get fixed surprised its working right now so im going to quickly try to get this post done…wahhh….my first reaction to actually being away from the labtop for so long was …how the heck am I going to blog??!!  But the sooner it gets done…the better!! I’ll try not to miss the bloggy world too much =(  When I do come back I’ll be having a 200 follower giveaway so keep an eye out for that!!

One of my bloggy friends Dana had a giveaway recently and I was the lucky winner!! I was really shocked and more excited when i heard what i won...Sharpies!! I feel like i always need im definitely happy to have won those!  Make sure to check out her blog and show her some love right here !!  She's got an awesome page.

On another note, If your still in school don’t forget to grab my Father's Day Craftivity !!  It’s full of fun filled activities to keep the kiddies busy!  It’s such a cute gift for dad...he’d love it ! You can grab it here at my TpT Store ...don't forget to become a follower and leave me some feedback =) 

I'm going to end this post quick before my computer freezes again.. Hopefully it'll get fixed so i don't always have to go on my blog through my phone!!  Talk to you all soon... =)


  1. Congrats on the sharpies!! Can't we all own stock in them!?

    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class

  2. This is so cute! I just found you through the world of blogging! You have some really neat ideas! Come visit us sometime!
    Your newest follower,

  3. I'm your newest follower and a brand new blogger. I would love for you to check out my blog -

    Teaching Maddeness

  4. Thanks again for donating you Toucan Craftivity to my giveaway! It is now up and running at Fun in 1st Grade
    :) Dana

  5. This is an adorable craftivity! =)

    New Sharpies make me happy too!

    Heather's Heart

  6. I like your craftivities! I am new to the blogging world and found you while pocking around! I'd love for you to stop over at my blog sometime.
    Where Seconds Count 2nd grade blog

  7. Just gave you the “One Lovely Blogger Award” because I always enjoy reading your posts.
    April @ The Idea Backpack

  8. We LOVE sharpies. We were actually out to dinner one time with a group of teachers and on the way home we passed a sharpie Mobile! You have never heard a mini van of teachers squeal so loud! :)
    We are now following you and would love it if you stopped by to visit us sometime!
    Katie & Lisen

  9. Hey there. I just awarded you with the Versatile Blogger Award. You can check it out on my blog :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  10. So glad I found your blog. I'm a fellow Jersey Girl, Sharpie addict (a Sharpie Mobile? Wow!) and lost when my computer breaks down, too! Looking forward to getting to know you!


  11. Hey thanks for popping in! I love your blog, and am now following. I hope you are now enjoying your break!

    005 Watkins' Way
