Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Awesome Linky! Tell Me More!!!

Hey all !! I usually post on Wednesdays but I saw this awesome linky and I just had to join!!  It’s from Step Into 2nd Grade and its called Tell Me More! 

I think it’s a sweet idea for everyone to get to know each other a little better…. I mean we all know were dedicated teachers but what else is going on in our lives…so im excited to share my life with you guys

First off this is me!! Michelle...in this pic..im about to zipline in Mexico....so much fun!! I love this picture...bc i look so happy... you know how when you take a picture and it just looks different. than others.. thats how i feel about this one ... im just so happy ....its prolly bc of my fabulous tan!! lol read on to get to know me more!

1. This is my honey….this august will be 5 years with him and its been awesome.. we really always have so much fun together and are always laughing ..he always makes an effort to make me smile..esp when im mad and it always works!! lol .. I have a feeling he will be proposing soon…so ill keep you posted so you gals can help me plan!! =)

2.  This is my daddy… he really is such an important part of my life…I really think id be lost without him…he always supports me even when ive done the dumbest things…seriously…really dumb things.. lol  idk what id do without him which makes me truly believe hell be living until 120 !! =)

3.   This is me playing softball college… I was on scholarship which def is a great accomplishment for me…I had worked all my life to get a scholarship and when I did ...It was such a great feeling!!  My parents went to allll my games…even if they were away…I even remember my parents sometimes taking off of work to come to the early games… that’s dedication! Lol

4.  this is my dog Diesel….my god is he a pain in my butt….he really is like a person its crazy and actually annoying sometimes lol …  i was watching a movie the other day and he was being so hyper and I couldn’t play so I put him outside my room and what does he do? He peed right outside my door….so of course as soon as I walk out I walk all over it!! It’s like his way of saying “how dare you throw me out”…he does things like that all the time ahhh!! But other than that hes such a good dog and my god was he expensive to buy …he better be around forever !! lol

5. And last but def not least... these are my sisters!! (not biological) …even though we get that we all look alike constantly… it could probably be because we wear the same color and outfits all the time lol…we would call each other and be like what are you wearing tonight ? and if someone said im wearing a skirt..wed all be like...okay let me go change i was wearing something else ...lol ..weve been bff’s since grammar school…went to the same hs ( one pic is from us in our highschool) …we went to a catholic school and we joke around this picture all the time…of course my friend and I have to have pens and pencils in our pockets and a calculator in my hand…god what a nerd! meanwhile my one friend has her skirt super short …lmfao… as you can see we always do a theme for Halloween…one year gymnasts and another 3 Blind Mice…lol we were mimes this past year but I couldn’t find pics for that…. We really are so alike its hilarious lol love them!!

And that seems to be it for now….i really think we should do this again..itd be fun to see how everyone is doing!! You should def join this linky...its a great way to get to know your bloggy gals!


  1. You and your bf are such a cute couple :) And the dog...Oh my goodness that is funny :)

    It was great getting to know some more about you Michelle. Fingers crossed there is a ring in your near future :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. Love your pics! So cute!
    Thanks for visiting me! :)
    Crayons and Curls

  3. My Yorkie does the same things! He's definitely a little boy trapped in the body of a dog lol

  4. You & your boyfriend are a cute couple!! Diesel is such a cutie pie. That was such a hilarious story about what he did lol. It was great getting to know you better! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  5. Cute pictures! I found your blog through the blog hop and am happy I did. You have a cute blog. Please stop by and visit my blog when you get a chance.

  6. Love all your pictures, but I have to say I am in love with Diesel!

    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog!! I'm now your newest follower! It was fun learning about you!

    Lacy's Letters

  8. Thanks for stopping by to "see" me. I love your pictures! So funny!
    Second Grade Sunshine

  9. I just wanted to share and award that I just gave to you!! Stop on by to check it out!
    BakingCraftingTeaching Oh My!

  10. Hey, I'm back to let you know that I nominated you for an award!! Come by my blog to get it!

    Lacy's Letters

  11. So DISNEY...are you staying on property? I used to be a VIP tour guide based at EPCOT, way way back in the day! Let me know your plan...lots of yummy places to eat in EPCOT and the hotels too, make reservations quickly!
    Thanks for buzzing by my site!

  12. I love ziplining! I just got back from a vacation to Las Vegas and I did the ziplines there. It was so much fun!

    Diving Into Learning

  13. Love your blog! Gave you an award, come by my blog and grab it when you get a chance.

    - Vicky
