Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fun Weekend and My Latest Creation! =)

Hey gals!! Fun weekend???   My weekend was so much fun …..i spent the weekend with my best friends….i hadn’t done that in so long!! We are always so busy with work and our other half that it’s hard to spend time with one another…but im so glad we did! We had some drinks and talked about our silly ways…hehe…  How was your weekend?  I have a Christening today so I wanted to make sure I posted before I left… and by the way…what do you get a baby for their Christening? Im so clueless…can you just give money or is that …like tacky? Lol give me your thoughts bc im lost on this one!! 

I wanted to show you my newest creation! =)    I had been wanting to make this for a while and I’m glad I did It…. Have you ever had those smarty kids that finish their work wayyyyyy too early? I usually  have a few… I feel so bad bc there are times im not exactly prepared and I’ll tell them to read the story of the week or review the spelling words…. But this year I feel like im more prepared!  I made a packet of things to give the kids to do if they are done early… Each activity will take them some time to do.  It’s def not something they can finish within 15 min.  It’s such a good thing to have on hand for this early finishers..!  Grab one of these at my TpT Store .  It will be great for the first few weeks of school.  Take a looksie and let me know what you think.  

This packet includes :
- samples
-acrostic poem (1st-3rd grade)
-writing letters
-fact families
-greater than and less than
-making lists and sorting
- nouns
-identifying parts of story
-making numbers
Def grab one of these here at my TpT Store! They are entertaining for the kiddies and will keep them working on their Writing, Math and Reading skills.  They will enjoy working on these =) If you do grab one, I do ask that you let me know what you thought and give me some feedback! It’s always nice to hear from you guys. Also don't forget to check out my new Facebook Page!  I created it about a week ago and would love some Like's .  That way you gals can keep posted on my latest ideas and other's ideas.  I like to post about some great ideas from other teachers as well!
OKAY Gals!! If you leave me a comment, I will do number generator and the winner will get this packet for free!  You must enter by 12 am tonight.  You have some time…so go and comment =) Congrats to Courtney from 3rd Grade Sprinkles i emailed you the packet.....thanks to everyone for entering =) 

Now off to this Christening and them home tonight for some reality tv.  ( my secret addiction ) 
Also Stay tuned i have some holiday theme craftivities coming up soon.  Yes i know it's wayyyyyy early but i got a vision in my head and if i don't create it now, it'll disappear!! lol                                                  


  1. This packet looks awesome! I'm glad I got a chance to comment before the Bachelorette starts!

    3rd Grade Sprinkles

  2. coming up with early finisher activities is on my to do list. So I would love to win this.
    Ms. Kerri and her Krazy Kindergarten

  3. Love it!

    Can't write more. Both the Bachelorette and Big Brother start in 2 minutes!!!

    Inside this Book

  4. Your new packet looks great!!

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

  5. Great Idea! Sounds like you had a fun weekend....I need one of those;-).
    Sunshine, Sand and Scissors

  6. This looks great!!!

  7. I love this! What a great idea!

    Kinder Kraziness

  8. Your packet is a dream come true! Thanks for putting all that work into it AND offering it as a give away! I hope you pick me!!!

    Second In Line

  9. Love this packet!

  10. This looks great and would be helpful in my room! :)

    First Grade and Fabulous

  11. I like this packet-- it looks very helpful!

  12. This packet is great for those early finishers!

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog:)
    What a great packet! It would be a wonderful thing for the kiddos!

    The Busy Busy Hive

  14. Your packet look great! :-)

  15. Love the packet! Thanks for visiting my blog...I am your newest follower.

  16. Thanks for checking out my blog! I am now your newest follower! Cute blog design!!


  17. Your blog is so cute! You have so many good ideas and creations! I'm now your newest follower!

    Teaching Special Kids

  18. This is such a great item! Love it! THanks for sharing! I will check out your store! Thanks for participating in my giveaway! It starts tomorrow!!
    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

  19. Hi Ms. C! Just stopping by to say thanks for following my blog. I'm returning the favor!
    Dianne at Hopelessly Devoted to Teaching
