Monday, August 6, 2012

August Currently with a Spalsh of a Giveaway and a Flash Sale!

Hey everyone!! Today I’m linking up with Farley today on her August Currently

I have been slacking on buying Back 2 School things..i’ve been buying things here and there but haven’t gotten what I really need…im definitely trying to make those crate seats everyone has been making…im rearranging my room this year so I can have a reading corner… so  keep an eye out so you can see how it turned out… I wanted to let you gals know about an awesome flash sale my bloggy gal Heidi is Here to get to her blog and click Here to get to her TpT Store honor of her bday everything is on sale for just a $1.... Happy B-Day Girl!!

Also check out Bridget's Page from Little Lovely Leaders….She’s throwing an awesome giveaway for reaching 300 followers…im donating my 9-11 Craftivity Packet... Enter!! there's a lot of awesome things up for grabs…click on the button below to get to her page!!

Alrighty everyone… enjoy the rest of your day…stay tuned for an awesome yearly packet that should be complete soon…also the Back 2 School Sale is just around the get your wishlists out =)


  1. Thanks so much Michelle for the shout out :) I am jealous you are heading to Disney...Maybe someday :)

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. Let's go shopping!! I feel like I haven't done half of my bts shopping yet, yikes!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  3. The food network is my favorite. It always inspires me to try new recipes from my pinterest. I'm trying a new Mexican Casserole tonight. It's not Bobby Flay but I hope its delicious. Who is your favorite to watch?
    I'm jealous you went to the beach. I haven't made it yet this summer. I've only made it to the pool twice. I have the worst farmers tan. :(
    Life with Mrs. L

  4. Have an AWESOME time in Disney! We went for the first time back in April, and I can't wait to go back!

    Your blog is adorable!


  5. I love Giada!! Cooking shows are so addicting...

    Live, Laugh, Love, Teach

  6. Oh my gosh, your blog is adorbs! Love it! Excited to be your newest follower!

    Your take on Farley's list is cracking me up. I also NEED a trip to the beach and have a Lakeshore addiction!

    I do, We Do, You Do!
