Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Product Swap with an Awesome Blogger

Hey all!! I’m so excited it’s finally here….the PRODUCT SWAP!!  I feel like weve been talking about this forever and sheesh today is the day…im linking up with  Jess from Mrs. Standford's Class


the purpose of this product swap is to let you guys know about other great bloggers you might not have stumbled across before...  I was partnered with Lisa from Learning is Something To Treasure ..

I had already been a follower and she really has some awesome ideas....  I was given the awesome opportunity to review one of her things… this was definitely hard to choose from as she seriously has really great products…. Anywho, I finally ended up choosing "Kids of Character"

 I saw her pictures and her idea with it and it seemed soooo innocent and fun that I know my kiddies in 1st grade could relate to it….first it’s 85 pages of great character traits and different adjectives of what certain characteristics mean….. she shows pictures and explains it in her posters… take a looksie... i apologize..the flash on my phone was acting up

it also came with picture cards that matched.... i loved these because they got to explain the characteristic with pictures..look how cute ! It's so easy to understand because they are like "kid words"

I enjoyed this because I thought well this is great to do for once a week… I can take one poster discuss it with the students for 5-10 minutes…have them offer examples of what they think it means and then complete the worksheet that pertains to that particular characteristic… if your having a hard time understanding what I mean ( as most ppl often do) then take a look at the pictures and how easy it is to understand!!  The drawing and writing are mine ! lol  


There is a worksheet for each characteristic that asks the following questions:
What Does (insert characteristic her) Mean?
Draw a picture describing the characteristic
How can you show this characteric to others?
 its up to the student to complete this on their own… I love this idea also because I can add this is as an extra credit question on one of the kiddies tests…or use one of the words as a bonus word for their spelling assessment…it can be used in a variety of ways!!

If you want to know know about Lisa check out her Blog and her TpT Store!  It's been definitely so much fun doing this and i would love to do it again!! What a great way to meet some awesome bloggy gals!


  1. Added it to my wish list!!

    ✏ Mrs. Stanford's Class ✏
    ❤ I hope you enjoyed the swap & will join for the next one!! Check out my post for the link to the form :)

  2. I love your drawings!! Thanks so much for your great post about my Kids of Character pack. You are an awesome swap partner! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas for the classroom. I have nominated you for an award. Stop by my blog to pick it up!

  4. How would I get a copy of the TEAM WORK worksheet?
