Sunday, August 19, 2012

Guest Blogger Heidi!!

Hi everyone. Its Heidi from My (Not So) Elementary Life.

I am super excited to be here to share with all of you while Ms. C is on vacation at the lovely Disney World. Can you say JEALOUS?

I was going to through my bookmarks folder trying to figure out what I wanted to share with you today and I stumbled upon this site I am about to share and knew it was a must for ya’ll today.

Have you ever heard of Education Place? I am sure many of you have. If you haven’t you need to hop over there right now and check it out. This site is full of all sorts of valuable information and learning tools for you to use in your classroom. One such resource that I feel is an awesome tool to use in the classroom is their page called Wacky Web Tales.

Folks if you haven’t been to this site you must go check it out now. Kids will have fun with this, while also working on fine tuning some of their grammar skills. My students loved using this site last year to create wacky stories. There is a variety of different topics/titles to choose from, including some that pertain to summer. These ones would be great do do as a beginning of the year activity with students. Depending on your grade level and the knowledge that students have about the different parts of speech you may have to give them examples and help them every step of the way and differentiate this activity/lesson. 

When you click on one, like the Summer Reading Report, this is the screen you will see. There are different spots to fill in and each spot requires a different piece of information.


You then fill in the missing information with words that your students choose, with the finished page looking like this. (Please note that the information in some spots is not accurate due to being on the web. I do not want any stalkers.)


You will then see this button at the very bottom. You will click on the red button and it will pull up your completed Wacky Story. 

The kids LOVE it. They think the stories they come up with are so funny and after doing it a time or two they pick up on what is happening and start coming up with different words to put in each of the spots to make even funnier stories.

In addition to having some fun with it, I used this activity as a work with the teacher center in my classroom. Each student got the chance to fill in the missing information and create their own wacky stories throughout the school year. They LOVED it. They learned something at the same time they were having fun :)

I hope, if you haven’t already tried this out with your students, that you will hop over and try it out. It is a great resource to have on hand for those moments when you just need something different.

Thanks Ms. C. for allowing me to guest blog for you today. If you all get a chance, I would love it if you hopped over and said hi on my blog. I love, love, love reading comments!!!!


  1. What a fun resource! Thanks for the site info!

  2. I love this! I always do Mad Libs with my kids, but this would be a fun way to vary things up. Thank you for sharing this site!

    Primarily Speaking

  3. This is great. I love the idea of finding something like madlibs that does require printing it out.
    ~April Walker
    The Idea Backpack

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