Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ready for Disney! Who's Coming With Me =)

Hey all!! How is everyone??? I hope everyone grabbed their favorite goodies for the sale!  I’m extending my sale until tomorrow so if you were away or not around…drop by my TpT Store and check it out!! I have a lot of goodies and crafts that you and your kiddies will love for the new year =)
Well tomorrow is the day im leaving for Disney that I’ve been mentioning for months now..and guess what? I have a 100 degree fever and stuck w a cold…how fun right?  Ive been sick since Sunday and everyday getting a little better…so im staying positive im going to kick this thing in the but by tomorrow or then im going to be really mad at my little brother (hes 20…not so little lol) because he kindly passed his sickness on to me !! grrr !!
Anywho I have no desire to pack or even move for that matter but I thought …let me take pics of what I’m packing and show all of you and maybe that will make me feel better ….lol so were going until Monday…and I have some casual clothes for during the day and at night some nice dressy clothes for dinner and if we go out dancing after…tell me what you think and which outfit you like the most …(this isn’t even half of it ..but I also didn’t want to bore you) lol

the first outfit on the left...i got the entire outfit and Forever 21 ...my favorite store ever... the skirt was $8.80 (wow) and the shirt was $12 ...moving to the middle outfit...the top was also from forever...$9.80 and the skirt was from Victoria's Secret for $29 (ehh had to splurge somewhere lol) and finally the last outfit was also entirely from Forever 21.. the same amount as the first outfit!! skirt was $8.80 and top was $12.. i love them all..which one is your favorite?

Hm im trying to remember where I got the first outfit (on left) from…I know I got the shirt at Forever 21 for $9 …and I believe the pants are from Alloy for $29.90 …the pants are so comfy and I always get compliments when I wear them…the bathing suit cover up was $1…my brother’s girlfriend works for corporate office at H & M and they get things for a dollar at their sample sale…isn’t that ..um crazy??? I love when she gets me things…because who doesn’t love a good bargain!! i got the cute Mickey shirt below at Macys

ahhh what a relief im finally finished.... it didn't take me that long to be honest.. im about to pop in some advils for cold and take a shower and get ready to leave tomorrow!! i hope i feel better!!

this totally wasn't a teaching post ....hehe but i hope maybe you'll check out some of my favorite clothing sites...they really always have great deals!!
 remember check out my sale...it ends tomorrow!! don't forget to follow me on Pinterest..ive been pinning alot of things for centers for the upcoming school year since i wont be here until Monday ...my lovely friend Heidi from My No So Elementary Life from will be guest blogging for me this Sunday...so stay tuned..and if you haven't checked her blog out ..do so HERE ..shes got awesome ideas!! alright friends have a sweet day =)


  1. Have a great trip!! See you when you get back!!

  2. Love those outfits in the top pic! Especially the third one! What I don't see are flat shoes and sun screen. As a California Disney fanatic with a Disney theme in my classroom, I hope they just didn't get pictured. They can make or break the vacation. Have a blast! It's a great way to end the summer, and the stories and pictures will really grab the kids' attention when school starts!

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