Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Fabulous 500 Follower Giveaway!

Hey everyone!  I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.  I've been trying to get over a cold so my weekend was not the best.  I am excited for this 500 follow giveaway!  I've been wanting to do it but I have been so busy at work, so I am so happy to finally post about it!
So this is what I am doing.  I am doing a different giveaway daily! This way everyone can enter in minutes and you don't take 20 minutes entering for all these different prizes!
I am donating my Christopher Columbus Packet and my Halloween Craftivity! 

These packets are great because their right around the corner!  Come enter this for this giveaway. 
We also have great bloggers donating any items from their storee...
Check back this week for a new giveaway daily! =) This giveaway ends Monday so enter now =) Good Luck!
I learned how to finally work rafflecopter through my good blogging gal Lori from Teaching with Love and Laughter. She has an awesome tutorial on how to use rafflecopter. Thanks girl!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This is a great giveaway!! Thank you!
    Congrats on 500+ followers!

    Jen's Kinder Kids
    Come by my blog to win SCENTOS markers!!

  2. Congrats on 500+ followers! Thanks for the great giveaway!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  3. Congratulations! Thanks for the giveaway!

    Ms. M

  4. Congratulations!

    I've shared your giveaway as a part of my blog post here:
    Teacher Kirra:Maestra Kirra ...10 MORE Giveaways!

  5. Congrats!
    Wendy Smith
