Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Johnny Appleseed Day and a Sweet Gingerbread Craft!

Yay! It's Johnny Appleseed Day!  Did anyone celebrate the big day?  What did you do?

We had such a fun time celebrating this day.  I had asked the parents earlier in the week if they could bring items involving apples.  I wanted the kids to enjoy a fun day eating what Johnny loved.  So many kiddies participated. Look at all the goodies we had.

If you notice, my Johnny Appleseed Craft is behind all the treats.
Wow did they bring things.  We still have left overs for days so thats great.  Here is a more closer look at the treats.

Now really, doesn't that look delish?  So happy with the outcome. 
Also take a look at the boards we did.  I share a board with my pal Teri from A Cupcake for the Teacher .... Take a look at how our boards came out!
Came out great right?  Ahh it was such a fun day.  Now im excited for Halloween,Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Speaking of Christmas....yes Christmas! LoL!  I have come up with this cutest little craft.  I have been recently telling you I have the best craft coming.  This isn't it. LoL!  But boy did I love making this craft too.  It made me excited for Christmas! Do you read to your kids the Gingerbread Stories during the holidays?  Don't they love it? My kids looooooove it so much!  I even throw them a gingerbread hunt.  Which means a teacher comes in the class and tells us she saw the gingerbread man.  So we go out in a panic (but still in straight lines =) ) looking for him.  We pass by certain classrooms where he leaves us clue for where to go next.  We lastly end up at the principal's office where she says he left but left some gingerbread cookies for them to eat.  It's such a fun day for them and they talk about it with their friends and share ideas about where he could be.

I decided to make my own gingerbread boy and girl.  Take a look.

This cute little packet is only $1.50!
This craftivity includes:
-stencils/patterns for the  girl/boy gingerbread craft
-directions for making stencils
-writing prompts half/full/primary/secondary
Grab one Here at my TpT  and save it for later.
I still have more Christmas ideas going on in my head. So stay tuned!
If you like this craft...or looooove this craft as much as I do...leave me a sweet comment with your email saying you either follow my Blog or my TpT  and you could win this tonight! The first 3 to comment will take this craft home! =)


  1. Super cute!! I looove Xmas! Thanks for putting me in the mood so early :)
    I follow your blog!

  2. Those gingers look super cute! And what a great turn-out for Johnny Appleseed Day. We read about Johnny today and started our craft, but we will continue with apples for the rest of the week.

    Heather (

    And I follow your blog!

  3. Love that board!! Can't wait to decorate it for October ;)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  4. Love how everything turned out girl :) And your new craft is simply adorable :) We had to postpone our Johnny festivities until today and tomorrow, but let me tell you pictures did not happen. I was way to sticky from making applesauce to get any of the kids :(

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  5. I really like the idea of having the kiddos bring in some other apple treat! Great idea.

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