Sunday, October 14, 2012

Baseball Craft and a Sweet Idea!

Hey everyone!  I can't believe I have not posted in a week.  That is definitely not like me.  Well i have some great tips I want to share with you.  I have been doing this since in my first year and my goodness it works wonders!!  Do you ever have those kiddies who just love to tattle? But like the silliest things you could ever hear like, "Bobby just touched my desk," and "My eraser fell and Nancy didn't pick it up." I just feel like grrr I am trying to teach here!! LoL So I have come up with this fabulous idea.  I have seen on teaching sites that there are tattling turtles and such so I tried to make my own.  I have pictures of these cute lil scarecrows and pumpkins around the class.

First of all, aren't these just the cutest things ever? Okay so I got these from AC Moore for like 3$ each.  The way it works is easy I tell the kids please only tell me when your hurt, you feel sick or if someone is bullying you.  If they have to tell me anything else such as that one year they went to Disney or that Christina touched his chair I have them tell the scarecrows or the pumpkin.  They are suppose to whisper it in their ear during snack time.  I tell that the scarecrow will tell me all of their secrets after school.  Can you believe that they not only believe me but this is the best thing I have ever thought of.  My first year I just had the pumpkin.  There would usually be a line forming during snack to tell the pumpkin all of their secrets.  I decided to get some more crops to break the line up and boy do they love the scarecrows.  It really is cute to see them talking to the scarecrows. I think they even believe the scarecrow talks back because I see them giggle sometimes. LoL!  I definitely recommend this idea if you feel like you have a lot of silly tattles going on around your class.  You can change it as the months pass.  For Thanksgiving I have a turkey and Christmas I have a stuffed Santa. 
Okay so my bloggy friend Michelle from Inspired by Kindergarten is having an awesome giveaway!! 
  I'm donating my Halloween Craftivity!
There are some also donaters as well. Hop on over there now and enter.  There are many ways to enter and the giveaway ends next week!
Finally onto my latest!  I don't know about you ladies but I love baseball.  I played softball all my life and was on scholarship for college.  So I am super excited when baseball comes around the corner and even more when my team the Yankees are in the playoffs.  So I made this cutesy little craft!
This craft is great for predicting who you think will win the world series.  It's loaded with activities to get the kiddies attention about the sport and there is even adorable printables on sportsmanship!  Here are some printables that is included :
-writing prompts-full/half/primary/seconday/black&white
-making lists
-word search
-write it/draw it
-favorite baseball player wksht
-rhyming wksht
-class survey
-making predictions
-showing sportsmanship wkshts

and more fun printables!

Grab one of these and get your kiddies excited for the World Series!
The cute glove and ball is such a great way to get them excited to start writing!
If you grab one, leave me a comment letting me know what you think! =)
You can grab this craft Here at my TpT Store .  It's just $3 ! 
*Stay tuned this week. I have a great craft coming up for your kids for this infamous election that is coming up*


  1. Love your world series pack! It goes perfectly with my sports theme! I played softball in college too so I love this time of year!
    Also wanted to let you know that I've Boo'ed you! Please stop by my blog and check it out!

    Success in Second Grade

  2. Good idea with the tattling! I had a tattle book one year. Tattling drives me craazzyy! And I love your world series pack, despite the fact that my Red Sox are...well...nowhere near the World Series!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  3. What a cute idea! Just wanted to let you know I just "boo'd" you, so please hop on over to my blog & find out more about it :)

  4. Just stopped by to tell you that I've boo'd you too! Looks like you have quite a few boo's going on. :) Love the tattle scarecrow. What a fun way to switch things up! Lattes and Laughter
