Thursday, October 18, 2012

I've Been Boo'd!!

At first I thought being boo'd was a bad thing

...but it's the cutest linky ever!!! So0o0o I am linking up with First Grade Fairytales


A couple people have been boo'ing me so I want to make sure I give them all credit!!  I was boo'd by Success In Second Grade

Success in Second Grade
Grella Monsters
Lattes & Laughter
Now that I have shouted all those fabulous bloggers...go check out their cute!!
Some of my favorite crafts and packets to do during Halloween are the following:
Halloween Craftivity
 Halloween Math Tubs
These are so cute.  My class has been working on this for a while now during centers and they are a blast.
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Loving these cute idea.  I am giving these to my kiddies for Halloween.
Pinned Image
Phew! Okay now I have to go see who I can boo....that hasn't been booed yet!  Guess what! I finally finished my Elections Packet...I personally love it...I will be posting more about it on Sunday. So stay tuned.
On a totally not teacher related note.  I went to my first bridal show yesterday!! Woot woot!  I met some great vendors and plan to meet with them soon.  Even better than that I won their grand prize giveaway which was a 4 day/3 nights in Tobago.  Aside from that I won a free photo booth at my wedding.  Like really? How awesome is that.  I keep thinking how funny I probably looked getting my prize.  I was all the way in the back of the room and literally ran to the front when I hear my name.  The MC even said I was freaking out. LoL....  I never thought of ever even visiting Tobago but I will have to now. Ha !  Nite everyone =)


  1. Whaaaat! Congrats on your big wins! That's pretty cool :)

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  2. I agree! That is just fabulous! Congratulations! Any teacher totally deserves to win a great prize! I am your newest follower!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  3. So glad you stopped by my blog so I could find yours. I'm happily your newest follower :) And congrats on the Grand Prize - sounds like an amazing trip, Wow!!! :)

    First Grade Fairytales
