Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Halloween Pics, Pumpkin Contest and a Bruised Ego!

Hey all!  I am so excited Halloween is seriously around the corner.  This weekend I am celebrating with my besties in our usual themed costumes!! I will post pics in a minute but I wanted to let you know on somethings going around at school.  The last couple of weeks have been crazy to say the least.  We have had meeting after meeting and it's hard to get anything done.  We had our pumpkin contest this week.  I did a fabulous and cute bee.  Take a look...
Isn't is adorable?  Here's a pic of the winner which is also another awesome fellow blogger Teri
Ok her's is really awesome.  Still I have to admit....I hate losing at anything in life.... One time Teri found me at my own bbq crying to my boyfriend because I lost at the gam Baggo...aka cornhole!  LoL.. I really need to work on is not cute..But in all seriousness.. I am happy she won! 
 There still is a door contest which is next week.  I have won that I believe 3 years in a row now =).  So I hope I can keep the streak going or I am not sure how I will react.  =)

So last month Teri and I made a Johnny Appleseed bulletin board.  Take a look at our new bulletin...

I personally love it.  It's fun putting it together too.  I am not sure on what we will do for Thanksgiving.  We both have a lot of crafts for it so not sure what we will come up stay tuned!!
Now for Halloween this year, my best friends and I have decided to dress up as Native American Indians.  We thought it would be so fun and cute at the same time.  Here are some things we have been in the past...

LoL....I loveddddd this costume.... All night we were bending and stretching to get into character.  My honey decided to join us last minute and was a runner.  He is hiding in the back!  If your having trouble finding me, I used to be a blonde! 
We were also ...The 3 Blind Mice!

This is us getting into character...

This was definitely another great night!  As you can tell we definitely play the role!  Sunday I will show you pictures of our newest costumes!  I will also have a cute new craftivity to show you all....just for the holidays...which really is creeping around the corner. =)


  1. Haha a bruised ego!! Thanks for the congrats ;) I'm sure your door will be FAB again!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  2. Love your bee :) Good luck with the door girly :) And the costumes cracked me up :)

    -Have a great night!

  3. Hello! I'm a new follower and so happy I found your blog. The bee is super cute!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  4. I'm your newest follower. I love your BEE! My classroom is all bees so it would fit in perfectly.

    The Hive

  5. I love all your costume ideas. I got to dress up 80s style today fr an 80s run..too fun!

  6. Great costumes-so cool that you guys have a theme.

