Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Latest Craftivity and Halloween Throwbacks!

Hey everyone!  I hope everyone's weekend went well.  I'm so excited.  My honey and I spend the day yesterday looking at houses!  It was so much fun and definitely a lot of work but definitely worth it.
I wanted to share my latest with you all.  With all these debates going on and election talk, I thought what a great idea to incorporate that into the classroom.  This took me quite a while but I am so happy with the outcome.  What do you think?

Isn't it the cutest?  I wanted the kiddies to be able to have fun with all the elections because it definitely is too much for them to understand at this point.  I would want my kiddies just to get the idea of elections so it isn't so shocking when they learn more about it in the next few years.  It's a fun craft and the packet is full of great printables. 
This packet includes:
-Stencils/Directions for Crafts
ord Search
-ABC Order
-Acrostic Poem
-Making Words
-Fun Printables about the President and White House
-Book Marks
-Nomination/Official Ballots
-Tally Printables
-Letters to President
-First, Next and Lastt
-Writing prompts
-Class list
-Can Have and Are

and so much more!
Take a peek at what's inside!

 This packet even has what you need for your own elections in the classroom.  It's a great way to have the students interact with one another and offer their opinions and ideas! Hop on over to my TpT Store and grab this Craftivity!
{ Want to win this packet?  Leave a comment on my page saying you either follow my Blog or TpT and you will be entered to win this.  I will do number generator and announce the winner tomorrow.  Good Luck }
Congrats to Success In Second Grade !  I will be e-mailing you the packet!
Moving on to a cute little picture.  Since Halloween is around the corner, I wanted to show you a pic of my best girly friends at work.  Every year we dress up together as a theme and during lunch we seriously take the weirdest pictures.   Here you be the judge
This past year our costumes were changed last minute so we ended up random things.. My bloggy gal and real life friend Teri from A Cupcake for the Teacher were leopards and our other gal was a ladybug!lol  Take a look...
We are not crazy, I promise. We just like to have fun.  These pictures seriously made me giggle. LoL Alrighty I am off to watch a movie with my brother ...21 Jump Street.... Ever seen it? Sooooo funny!
Don't forget to end if you want to win the Elections Craft Packet ...Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Oh God LOL! This definitely makes me giggle! How are we going to pose this year?! {Love your election pack btw!}
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  2. Your election pack looks great! Love the fun pictures!

    Success in Second Grade

  3. Looks great! And I follow your blog!

    Heather (

  4. Love the election packet! Dressing up for Halloween is so fun! I follow your blog and your TPT store!

  5. Looks like you girls were having some fun! :-) I follow your blog and TPT store.

  6. House hunting is so much fun! Love the Halloween pictures!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  7. Cute Halloween pix...reminds me I a) hate dressing up and b)have no costume idea as of yet!

    Following your blog, so fingers crossed...

    tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com

  8. Love the pics! We are going to start talking about the election next week! Your unit is very cute! I am now following you on TPT!
