Sunday, December 30, 2012

Crafts, Giveaways and a Special Treat!


Long post ahead.  
Keep reading.  
This post is full of crafts, 
and a special surprise!
and HERE we go...

Hey everyone!  Oh my goodness, it's been so long since my last post.  Hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas!  I am sure everyone got everything they needed. =)  I was definitely spoiled this Christmas from my honey.  He knew my old laptop (a gift from him) was getting restless and rusty.  So what did he do?  Get me a Mac Pro!  Ahhh this laptop is just like heaven.  So smooth and quick, I love it!  I am still getting used to it and still installing and transferring files but it's great. He's Just Perfect!

This last week or so I took a break from blogging/crafting/pinning.   I wanted to take a long break from everything and just spend time with my family and my fiance!  Trust me I missed it.  Whenever I got a vision of a craft or an idea I had to quickly draw a picture so I wouldn't forget it.  But anywho I am back and with a new craft and a giveaway to start the New Year.         Woo Hoo!

I'll start with the craft.  The craft is.. (drum roll please)

Martin Luther King Craftivity Packet!

Ready for MLK Day? It's such an important day to celerate with your students. This packet has all the printables you need and want, to help your students understand what MLK did for our country. It has an adorable craft that the students will definitely enjoy making! They can even alter the craft to make it their very own! Grab one of these now! Click HERE to grab it now!

This packet includes:
-stencils/directions/pictures of craft
-writing prompts/black and white/primary/secondary
-word of the day
-abc order
- MLK book report
-making adjectives
- fun printables

and much more! If you do grab one please leave me a comment letting me know what you think. I love to hear from you. =)  Okay Okay don't twist my arm!  For starting the New Year and as a peace offering for missing a week of not posting I will post this up for FREE.  Yes for FREE..( that's my surprise) but only until 5pm today EST.  So make sure you grab it before it's too late.  I do ask if you download, please be my newest follow of my store and my blog.  That's my "catch". =)  Not too bad.

A Fabulous bloggy gal of mine over at  Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher just reached 1000 followers and is having an awesome giveaway.  I am participating and donating my New Year's Craftivity.  Stop on over and check out her blog.  It's adorable with some very awesome ideas!

Okay so now moving on to my very OWN fabulous giveaway.  I have been wanting to do this forever.  I reached 600 followers and wanted to have a bunch of my fellow bloggers participate.  Since I have been so busy with the holidays I never got around to planning it.  So I am going to keep it simple.  This giveaway I will be giving away a 20$ Giftcard to Amazon.  And I will also be donating my New Year's Craftivity Packet along with my Dental Health Packet.  My way of celebrating the New Year is by giving!  Sounds like Christmas huh?  

Okay the rules are simple and the more entries you get, the better chances you have of winning!  Follow the rafflecopter below and press enter when you have completed each entry.  I will be checking these after the giveaway is over so let's  be fair and follow each entry ladies. =)   This giveaway will end Next Sunday.  You have some time.  Start now.  Good Luck...and GO!

I am off to watch my boys.... my Cowboys that!  This is an important game for them.  If they win tonight, their in the playoffs!  Any Cowboy fans out there?  Leave a comment if you are.  I love Cowboy Fans!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the craft! Can't wait to do it with my kiddos!

  2. Happy to be your newest follower. I also pinned your blog to my new board "Teacher Blogs I Love". I hope that counts as a post! :-) Love the craft too. Perfect for when we return. Thanks!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  3. Congrats on all of your followers!! Thanks for the craftivity too :-)

  4. I love the craftivity! Thanks. I follow your blog.

  5. Love Amazon! I've just been shoe shopping there and would love to get another pair of winter boots. Good luck to your Cowboys!
    I Want to be a Super Teacher

  6. Thank you for the wonderful MLK pack! It looks amazing! I follow your blog and root for the Cowboys. Have to support my Texas teams! :)

    Heather (

  7. Love your blog and your ideas!

    Christina :)
    Check out my blog!
    Apples, Books, and Crayons

  8. Thanks for the great freebie and hosting a great giveaway!
    My NEW TpT Store!

  9. Congrats on 600+ followers.. and Happy New Year! :) Thanks for the great giveaway!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  10. Congrats on 600+ followers!!

    The First Grade Dream

  11. What awesome freebies and giveaway. Congrats on reaching 600+ followers. I am already a follower!!
    Ms. Jones’ Junction

  12. Thanks for the freebie and the chance to win!

  13. Awesome giveaway!
    I am giving away 65 products at my blog right now if you want to check it out for a chance at those items!

    Second Grade Nest

  14. Congratulations on 600 followers! I posted about your giveaway on my blog!

    The Reinspired Teacher

  15. Congratulations on 600 followers. I am already a follower:)

    The Resourceful Apple

  16. Congratulations! And here's to a fabulous 2013 :)

  17. What a great giveaway! Congratulations on 600 followers!

  18. Congrats! Wonderful giveaway!

  19. Congrats! I already follow your AWESOME blog! :o)


  20. Congratulations! Already follow your blog and TpT store. Thank you.
    Toni Nicholson

  21. I missed the MLK giveaway by 1/2 hr. I did not realize it ended at 5 and thought I had till midnight:(. If there is a chance I can still get it, I ould love it for my first graders.

    Thanks and Happy New Year!

  22. Hi! Cute blog! I found you on TPT first and came to check out your blog! I am glad I did! I look forward to reading more! I am in the process of getting a new blog design from Tessa at Tales Outside the Classroom and it will have a zebra striped theme! I am your newest follower and would love for you do stop by my blog too!

  23. I just found your ADORABLE blog and I am your newest follower! I just started my brand new blog, (and it gets lonely with a new blog!), so please check it out!

  24. new follower! Great giveaway!

    Shar W
