Thursday, January 3, 2013

Currently, Giveaways and Resolutions!

Happy New Year!  Hope everyone had a great time spending it with their families and friends! I went to the venue where I am getting married for New Year's.  They were throwing a party so I thought it was perfect.  It was so much fun.  Here's a picture of my family at the party!
I'm on the far you can tell the prettiest of the group. =)
This is my honey and I!
It was so much fun.  I can't wait to do it again next year.
I was excited to go back to school and see my kiddies!  That dream was was fun for all of 1 hour I was there.  I went home because I felt sick.  I forced myself to go to school so it didn't look bad calling out on the first day back from vacation.  I have a really "serious" ear infection as the doctor liked to call it.  I even cried!  It was bad.  So I am off again today and tomorrow I will be back...hopefully. =)
In the meantime, I wanted to linking up Farley  with for the January Currently.  I love these and am so excited to do it for January.

I am so excited for what the new year has to bring for my family and myself.  Can't wait to continue with more wedding planning and hopefully buy a home this year!
My giveaway is almost over...don't forget to enter for a chance to win a $20 gift card to Amazon and my very own products at my TpT Store. 
Don't forget to check out my latest New Year's Craftivity!
It's full of fun printables for the New Year!  The kiddies can work on their resolutions!
My resolution for this year is to listen more.  I usually tune out while someone is talking.not on purpose, I promise!  I tend to start thinking about the rest of my day and all the things I need to get done. I will try my best to stay focused. =)
What are your resolutions? 
I'd love t hear them. =)


  1. I went to the doctor yesterday and I have a a bad sinus infection. I'm on antibiotics and hopefully will be better by the time I go back on Monday. I hope you feel better! I can't imagine missing the first days back. I bet they miss you.

    You Might Be a First Grader...

  2. My co-teacher had an upper respiratory infection. She's been out for the past 2 days, but will be back tomorrow. I hear ya on the wedding planning! I get married October 12th this year and I am so excited, but stressed at the same time. :) Have fun planning!


  3. Feel better! Good luck with all the wedding planning!

  4. Hi there! I found you on Farley's Currently post this month. Congrats on the wedding!!

    My New Year's Resolutions are pretty boring, but I'm happy to share with you!

    1. No more sugar! I'm 6 months pregnant and WAY over-doing it on the sugar intake. I have been fortunate in that I have not gained more weight than I am "supposed" to, but if I keep inhaling sugar, I definitely will. So, no más!

    2. Be CONFIDENT! I am a first year teacher and I have spent the entire first half of my year always worried about what other teachers/parents/administrators will think of me. Fact is, I am spending too much time worrying and my teaching is suffering. So my goal is to be confident in myself and know that I will learn from the mistakes that I will make!

    3. BLOG MORE!! I spent all of this time making my little blog and then during the first few miserable months of my pregnancy, I completely threw it all out the window. So, I'm baaaaaack!!!

    Anyway, that's all I've got! I love that you made an activity to help kids with their own resolutions. I think self-improvement and reflection is always important, even for our ittie bittie friends. :)

    So glad I found you! I'd love for you to follow me, too!

  5. Feel better! New Year's looks like so much fun!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  6. The biggest new years resolution that I have is fitness... of course! Hope you are well and that your dr follow-up goes well. :)


  7. Oh those craftivities are super cute! Much cuter than the little craft we did today...darn!

    Teachery Tidbits

  8. Best of luck with the doctor. Super jealous about your Mac.
    My Second Sense

  9. Happy New Year! I loved reading your currently, especially about planning your wedding! I too just got engaged this Christmas so I am so eager to start the process! Happy to be your newest follower!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  10. Hope you feel better soon! Love your blog! I'm your newest follower.
    Teacher Gone Digital

  11. Looks like you have a fun family! :) I love your New Year's craftivity. I am going to check it out! I look forward to reading more posts!
