Monday, February 4, 2013

February Currently and a Surprise Party!

I am linking up with Farley for her February Currently.

I feel like I always have so much to do and such little time.  So I am finally going to start planning my engagement party for this July.  I was holding back for a while because I was planning my honey and his twin brother a surprise 30th birthday!  I did it this past Friday and O.M.G were they surprised!  It made me giggle because when my fiance's brother walked in everyone yelled surprise!  He still had no clue what was going on. LoL  Too funny!  My fiance was definitely surprised.  Here are some pics we took.

Me and my love by the picture cake we got him. 

These are my parents. =)

The twinnies and I!  Don't they look alike? Gosh I hope I have twins.

Anyways moving on.

This is my favorite picture.  I made the posterboard at Staples for just $10!  I had everyone sign the posterboard as they walked in. That was them when they were babies and when they are grown up.  I obviously didn't know my fiance when he was a baby but when I picked this up at Staples I almost cried.  They are just so stinkin cute and to see them now when they are grown up, it's just liked ugh my heart melts. =)  I just love them both so much!  

Those are beer mug candles at the end of the table!  Aren't they amazing!!!  I thought it was so them for beer mug candle centerpieces.  Everyone loved it!  

Finally I got each of them this cute little mug I saw at Party City.  

We had the party at a venue and included for the night was dinner, beer, wine and sangria!  Let's just say everyone had a little too much fun and didn't want to leave!

So happy I put this party together.  I wanted them to have a memorable 30th birthday party and I think they did.  I coulnd't have done it without my soon to be mother-in-law.  My goodness I am so grateful for her.  She's amazing!


  1. I just went through my 2nd formal evaluation and did well. Principal had great things to say! Can we breathe now?

  2. Each teacher has 5 evaluations in my district during the year...EEK! I was thrilled when my principal did my last observation/eval for the school year last week, it's a great feeling : )!

    1. Five!!!!!! Oh my! With our new process, the two required for us is exhausting! Kudos to you, Jamie!

  3. I am SO with you on getting places late. I can't stand it!! My husband is late to everything. Drive me crazy!

    For the Love of First Grade

  4. I hate being late, too, but sometimes I go to the other extreme. I think it drives my hubby crazy!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late

  5. Congrats on your observation! Mine will occur sometime in the next couple of weeks...
    Literacy Spark

  6. Congrats on your observation!!It's always a relief to have them over with...especially when it goes well! ;) Kuddos to you!

    The party looks great too. Good job, lady!

    Lattes and Laughter

  7. So glad you had a great eval. girl :) Love the picture idea and its so cool that you threw them a party. They definitely can't deny being brothers at all. I would love to have twins, but the hubs thinks I am crazy haha :) Hope your doing good!!!

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  8. What a great party! Well Done!!! Your family photos are lovely!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
    Join my 100 Follower Ultimate Giveaway: Skype Author Visit!

  9. I just made it through my evaluation too. So glad it's done! Looks like a great party. :-)

    Teaching Little Miracles
