Saturday, February 9, 2013

Huge Giveaway!

Hey everyone!  I am not feeling my best and still have to manage to muster up some strength to go out for my BABY brother's 21st birthday tonight!  I wanted to make this post short yet sweet!  A bloggy friend of mine Krystal from Lessons from the Middle is having a huge giveaway for reaching her Bloggy-versary!  Is that how you say it ? 

Celebrating my first Blog Birthday - Lessons From The Middle
If you haven't checked out her page yet, check it out HERE !  There are so many prizes from grades ranging from K-8!  So stop on over and enter.  I am participating and donating from my store, so stop by for your chance to win some great products!

Okay hopefully I will feel better by tonight so I can party...wish me luck! =*(

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