Monday, May 13, 2013

Classroom Updates!

Hope everyone enjoyed their Mother's Day yesterday!  It was such a great day in Jersey.  I had a lovely bbq with my family and ate so much!!  It was amazzzzing.

I originally wanted to post about my newest Father's Day Craft but that will have to wait...because I finally received what I ordered from Really Good Stuff!  I ordered it a while ago and was concerned as to why it took so long to come.  But yes it finally came and I couldn't be more excited to set it up!

 Remember my old library bookcase?  You know ...the invisible one?

LoL ... yes that one!

Well I recently ordered this from Really Good Stuff.  To get more info you can check it out by clicking HERE.  It was just $24.99 so I thought it was worth it.

I finally got it!  After begging asking the custodian nicely to help put it together, it's finally ready to be displayed!  

Sorry I made it so big, just wanted to you see how fabulous it is.

Isn't it amazing?!?!?

I just love it.  And so did my little ones.  They said it looks much neater.

Also I ordered a few transparent folders that I was ecstatic to get because I have been trying to use for organizing so I can't wait to put them to use!  Take a look at what they look like.

I love that they are different colors.  It keeps it fun.

Keep a look out on how I use them to organize this week.  I have so many ideas on what to do but nothing certain.  How would you use these folders to organize?  I'd love to hear your suggestions.


Stay tuned this week so I can show you my latest Father's Day Craft!!


  1. My books are currently being displayed on the ledge of my whiteboard...looks like your new display is just what I need too!

    For the Love of First Grade

  2. I know it's nearly the end of the school year but I am pretty much down for school supplies at any time of the year.

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  3. After seeing it, I think I could really use the display rack, so I could set out the books that go with the domain that we are studying. Thanks for sharing!

    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher
