Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Organizing Your Class & Incentives!

So we have 29 days left of school.  Is it too early to start cleaning up? LoL Well I usually clean up early because the end of year can get hectic with paperwork and filing.  I like to clean up early just to make sure I get everything done on time and don't drive myself crazy at the end of the year.  

I first start with my posters.  Here's what it looked like with all the posters finally down.
I usually throw my posters in my closet and hope they stay in place for when I come back from the summer.  Since they are laminated they usually get all clumpy from being in a closet the entire hot and sweaty summer.  So I went on a hunt!  I checked out my latest obsession Really Good Stuff to see what kind of storage they had up their sleeves.

And I was right, they did! 

No that's not me if your wondering.  But I love this idea of holding the posters nice and organized.

So yes, obviously I had to order it!

Okay so I couldn't help it.  This is me! 


If you notice the model and I have the same *Blending Posters* in the bag!

It really is great.  It's so easy and simple.  

If you think this is something you totally need, click HERE to take you there to grab.  It's only $14.99 and totally worth the money.  

Moving on.  

My students are hyper and I mean really HYPER.  We still have 29 days left and they are so excited for summer.  It's hard to stomp on their parade and let them know we still have work to get done.

So when I ordered the organizer for posters, I also bought these cute rewards for my little ones.  It's so cute!
These are bracelets that come with different praising quotes to let your little ones know they have done a great job.  What I love about them is that they are Scratch and Sniffs!  I usually don't go for those smelly pencils or scratch stickers because the smell is so strong. The smell on these is like heaven!  Some of them smell like cake.  Ugh it makes me hungry!
Isn't it too cute?  I love them.  I showed my little ones today and they were so excited to work for it!

I ordered 2 packs.  In a pack comes 90 loops!  Guess what!  They are on clearance for $2.99 originally $7.99.  If you want to grab these quick before they sell out, click HERE to take you to there.

I hope the looks calm my little ones down a bit. 

What are you doing for rewards and incentives with your little ones this time of year?


  1. I just organized my posters too! I bought one of the poster boxes instead of the bag. I am afraid I would have needed multiple bags for all of my posters! We have 24 days left and I was wondering when the best time to start cleaning and packing was. I don't want my students to check out to soon!

    Rosie's Rambles

  2. You should submit your cute photo to Really Good Stuff! You can be the next model!
    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. I started cleaning today, too! I cleaned OUT my posters & organized them into that same carrier. Love it :) I also got rid of a bookshelf and "donated" some stuff.Too bad there's still so much to do :( Enjoy the rest of your year :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  4. Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your love for our products! We're so glad you like them!

    Brandi Jordan
    Managing Director of The Teachers' Lounge, a Really Good Stuff blog

  5. Oh, my! I'm literally terrified to begin the clean-up this year, because I'm moving next door...I was thinking of using tomorrow as a weeding day for our pond habitat - it's going to be about 90 degrees, and I figured that might wear down the hyperactivity...???

    Maybe we'll start cleaning instead. I have 13 days left, 2 are half-days, 1 is field day, 1 is awards day, and 1 is Fifth Grade Day, which I'm taking off, because my daughter will be leaving me for middle school next year. That only leaves me EIGHT days. What was I thinking? I have to start tomorrow!

  6. I have 3 of those poster em!

  7. I bought a very sturdy artist's portfolio made out of canvas years ago. This is a much better way to go for storing posters!!
    Cleaning up?I mentioned on another blog that things are so far out of control in my classroom I'm thinking about having a "Help 'Ol Mrs. Welch Clean her Classroom and She'll Bring Lunch" Party. I'll even throw in a babysitter! Love your blog! I'm a new follower!

  8. What an awesome way to store all of those posters!

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

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