Monday, May 20, 2013

Father's Day Treat!

Happy Mondayy!!  25 days left of school and counting!! 

I want to show you my latest treat for you all to enjoy!  

Mother's Day passed and soon it's Father's Day!  I have created a cute little craft and booklet your little ones will love to share with their dad, uncle or grandfather on their special day!

Here's a close up of the trophy!

Isn't it adorbs?   

Your little ones will love giving this Craftivity to their dad!

Click HERE to take you to my TpT Shop to check it out.

This little craftivity includes:

-stencils, pics and directions for the craft
-writing prompts (half n full, b&w, primary and secondary)
-alternate writing prompts for an uncle or grandpa
-ABC Order
-Word Search
-Word of the day

and more!

If you do grab this, let me know what you think.  I love to hear from all of you! 

Want to win this packet?  If you follow my brand new baby, Instagram and comment on what name your following me under, I will do random generator tonight and pick a winner!
Don't forget to leave a comment with your name on Instagram so I can follow you back!

Congrats to Chelsea!  I will be e-mailing you the packet shortly. 


  1. Ohh what a fun craftivity!

    I am following you - my name is joyinthejourney89.

    Pick me! Pick me! :)

    Joy in the Journey

  2. Thanks for stopping by :)

    I love your #1 dad trophy!! I may have to make that with my sweet Kinders!

    <3 Chelsey

  3. Love it! I am following you on instagram. My name is kellybrown28021

    Thanks for being so creative!

  4. I love this trophy! It is definitely being added to my to-do list before the last day of school! Thank you for sharing.

    I am looking forward to seeing more instagram posts from you! My username is epollick.

  5. hey there, thanks for becoming a follower of mine!! Now, I am a follower of yours!!! I love the fathers day craft!! :) Enjoy the last 22 days! :)
