Sunday, May 19, 2013

Follow Me on Instagram!

Well I have been out of the loop with Intagram.  However lately, I have been noticing this teacher craze with 

So I decided to join the fun!  To stay update with tips and tricks, follow me on 
Instagram by clicking HERE

I will be posting things frequently and I won't necessarily be posting it on here.  It will be realted to teaching, crafts and life.  

Come join the fun and be my newest follower!

I'm still new and learning but it's so much fun and so easy.  I love following so many teachers and seeing their pictures.   

Do you have Instagram?  What's your name.  I'd love to follow you. =)

Happy Sunday!


  1. I know how you feel- all of a sudden it was like, "the next big thing!" I'm everyonedeservestolearn.

    Everyone deServes to Learn

  2. Just started following you...chickadeejubilee

  3. Just started following you! I am jumping on the instagram bandwagon too! I'm eclecticeducating

    Eclectic Educating

  4. Just found you there :)...mysecondsense

    My Second Sense

  5. Hi.
    Thanks for stopping by.
    I will certainly try to find you on instagram. It is pretty fun, even if you don't know all the tricks.
    Have a great week.

    School Is a Happy Place

  6. You will love Instagram! We just started a few months ago and love seeing what everyone is doing in their classrooms! Thanks for following our blog and we are your newest follower!! Find us on Instagram too!

    Table Talk with C & C

  7. I am now following both your blog and you on Instagram! I love your blog design. I am getting my new blog in June and chose similar colors, but all polka dots.

    Thanks for stopping by by blog to introduce yourself!

    Tina Parker
