Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Box Tops Freebie!

Happy Tuesday all!
I am seriously loving this summer!  It's been so great to me and it feels like it's not close to being over.  I am going on a cruise next weekend with my honey and couldn't be any more excited.  

I still have some more bridely duties to accomplish and next on the list is my dress!  So I gathered a dinner and drinks night with my fabulous and beautiful bridesmaids this past weekend.  Aren't they beautiful?

My fiance's sister came fashionably late that night so she missed all the picture fun! LOL
They are my absolute most favorite people ever!  I'd be lost without them!

Okay happy vent over! 


Ever come into the new school year and have your little ones want to drop off box tops?  Have no idea where to put it?  Well then your just like me! LOL I always scramble to find a zip loc bag or container to just toss them in.  Nothing cute and the little ones usually forget about it bc it's BORING!  I thought this year I can spice it up a bit and grab their attention with this adorable container.  Before I get to the pic let me explain what you need to make this.

* container of pringles -regular is fine but I like the fat free ones :)
*glue gun
* my freebie

Yes this is a Pringles container.  Make sure to eat the chips inside before you make this.  If your like me, you won't have a crumb inside.  LOL I bring this all the time to lunch.  My co workers and I are obsessed with it and love the fact its only 70 calories per serving and just 2 weight watchers points for 15 chips...yes 15 chips folks!!

Well now you take the Pringles container and my sign and wrap it around.  Glue the ends and Voiala!!

This is maybe an half an inch too big so you might have to cut from the bottom.  I think it looks so cute and great when it's all covered.  Take a look.  What do you think?

I also made them in half pages in case you want to make them in a smaller container.  However, if you are competitive like me and plan to collect TONS of box tops to win at the end of the year, then stick with the full page.  

You can grab this here or going to straight to my shop.

Let me know what you think and if you will be using this.  

How do you collect your box tops?

Drop by one of my bloggy buddy's page.  She is throwing an awesome giveaway with so many prizes!  I am offering one of mine as well. =) 
Second Grade Math Maniac is celebrating reaching 1000 followers.  What a milestone!  Congrats girly!

Also Heather from Peacocks and Penguins is throwing another giveaway!  She has some pretty awesome prizes from very talented bloggers!  Drop by her page by clicking here to check it out.

Good Luck!!


  1. Wow, you must've been reading my mind:) I just happened to buy a can of Pringles, for lunch this week, thinking I would use it for box tops this year. However, I didn't have a cute design for the outside yet. Thank you for the freebie.

  2. Is a fat free can a different size than the regular ones? The page isn't big enough for my fat included Pringles can.
