Thursday, August 15, 2013

100th Day & Grandparent's Day Combo Craftivity!

UPDATE!! 12/13

I have recently updated my latest Grandparent's Day bundle.  I have added more printables to make it a combo for the 100th Day.

Recently a sweet girl e-mailed me asking me to kindly create a Grandparent's Day for this September.  I actually had to look it up because I had no idea there was a day that celebrated Grandparents.  Thats awesome and so sweet.  This can be used as well during Mother's Day or Father's Day.  Now I have added printables so that it has coincides with the 100th Day!  

We celebrate Grand parent's Day on September 8th this year and 100th Day depending on when you start school.  So check out what I made in honor of our awesome days!

  I think the grandparent's are just so darn cute!  What do you think?

Here's a better look of these oldies but goodies.

I love the way the grandpa came out!  He may be my favorite in this pack. I also love the grandma's hair.   Took me forever to figure out but I love the turnout. =) 

Here are some more printables that are included in this writing craftivity.

I think for this Grandparent's Day, I might just fill out the printable below and give it to my granny. =) 

Now to the printables added for the 100th Day

 Here are some of my favorites...

I think my kiddies will have such a fun time thinking about the future and what they would look like 100 years from now.  What a fun way to celebrate the 100th Day.

Isn't it a sweet little pack?  You can check out more and grab it by clicking here

This cute writing craftivity includes:

*directions/stencils/pictures on how to make these cute grandparents
* 6 writing promots full/half/black &white/primary&secondary lines
*acrostic poems
*making words
*first, next, then & last
*writing letters
*2 versions of can, have & are
*abc order
*making words
*word of the day

Okie so a few weeks ago, I went to the Beyonce concert!  I was obsessed with her before and even more now!  She was so amazing and talked to us throughout the show, (and by us, i mean the crowd not just my friends and myself ha).  If I HAD to say one bad thing, it would be.... I could do without the 1000000 wardrobe changes next time! =)

So in honor of the concert.. my friends aka my 2 maid of honors made a Beyonce video !!  We posted it on instagram.  It's SOOOOOOO funny.  I couldn't stop watching it for an entire day.  So in honor of that instagram video, I will be giving away this cute Grandparent's Day packet to those who follow me on insta!  Please leave a comment below on the video or anywhere see letting me know you follow me and under what name!  If you check out the video, let me know what you think.  Hopefully it will make you giggle like it makes me everytime I play it! LOL

If you don't have IG, you can follow me on 
bloglovin or TpT

*don't forget to leave me a comment below letting me know what you think*

*happy Thursday all* 


  1. This is super adorable! I'm definitely going to keep it in mind for Grandparent's Day at my school (we invite our Grandparents in in April).

  2. A-dor-a-ble!! Love it!! These are the things grandparents keep forever. :-)

  3. I am following! @lraines78
    This Granparent's Day packet is sooo cute!

  4. I am following @kross9876
    The craftivity is adorable.
    Video was cute too!!

  5. Love this! Can't wait to celebrate Grandparents!!

  6. I'm following! @kerobertson2
    Love this package!

  7. I'm following! @kerobertson2
    Love this package!

  8. Oh my gosh- how stinkin cute is this?! I love it!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  9. Too bad you ladies don't have any fun! That was cute! I'm not on IG but I follow you on Bloglovin'. (simmonsa1)

  10. Are you trying to move me into the 21st century? Not quite there yet; no IG. But I follow your blog as Suzy Q, your facebook and your TPT store if that counts for anything. :-)

    Your grandparents are so cute!

    tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com

  11. I am following you now!!! Rjbwilson

    I love how the grandparents turned out too!

  12. I love this! I follow you on instagram! kellybrown28021

  13. Love it! I'm a follower. @Jen5734

  14. Cuteness overload! I follow you on IG as bluiznfrekls!

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