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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tis' the Season for a Snowman Freebie!

Hey all!  I have been having such a busy week, it's crazy to just sit down and relax!  The week parents are allowed to come in and observe the classroom so I had to plan ahead of time what I wanted to do when they got there.  I wanted to do a craft with the kiddies so the parents can help and that went great!  The parents got involved and I think they enjoyed making the craft.  We worked on the Gingerbread Craftivity.

I will post pics tomorrow of the bulletin board!  If you wnat to check out my Gingerbreads, click HERE to go to my TpT Store.  They really came out so adorable! 
I wanted to show you guys all something you will love!  This week my kiddies are learning how to sequence and put things in order.  We have been completing first, next and last worksheets in order to help them get the idea of it.  I wanted to make a cute holiday craft and somehow incorporate the sequencing in that.  So I came up with this:

  This packet includes:
-stencils/directions for craft
-writing prompts
-abc order
-making words
-can have are

and more! Download this now to find out. =)
Please leave me a comment letting me know what you think.

I'm linking up with the awesome Freebie-Licious!

 Check out their aswesome page for some other great freebies!

Okay folks... I have to go to tutor!  I hope you can enjoy this Freebie from my TpT Store.  Don't forget to leave me a note letting me know what you think.  Enjoy. =)


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cyber Sale and a "Beary" Cute Craft!

Soooo this long weekend went quick huh!!  I want to share with you all that my fiance and I finally booked our venue for our wedding!  I'm so happy to say I will be marrying my love on July 18th 2014.  Ahhhh I am so excited just wish it was sooner.  But we both know we want a house before we marry and that is our goal so we have to be smart.  But wahh I wish it was next year!  LoL   I will be keeping you all posted on my nuptials! 
I want to remind you all.. ( although I am sure you would never forget) there is a huge Cyber Sale Monday-Tuesday.  I will be extending mine until Wednesday.  I love sales and so I thought you would enjoy an extra day of shopping!
I linked up with Michelle from The 3am Teacher for an awesome linky!
Check below to see who else is throwing a sale.  What a great way for us teachers to come together and share all our ideas at a VERY good price =)
Since the sale was coming I wanted to whip up a cute craft for you all.  I didn't exactly "Whip" this up as I have been working on this for a while now.  Talk about procrastinating!  But this is my favorite month aside from Halloween and soooo here is it :

I loved making this.  I kept saying so cute! LoL

This packet includes:

-stencils/directions for craft
-ABC order
-Making Words
-Writing prompts- full/half page/primary/secondary-black and white
-Writing letters
-Unscrambling printables
-Word search

and much more

take a peek at what's inside:

Don't you love this?  If you think it's as adorable as I do, check it out HERE at my TpT Store. 

Don't forget to check out what else I have in my Store for the holidays!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday..and check back this week for an adorable Winter freebie!


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Great Organization Tips ...and a Sale Coming..Woot Woot!!

Hey everyone....Happy Late Thanksgiving!  I hope everyone enjoyed their times with their families and enjoyed their times laughing loving and sipping on some fine wine!! LoL  I had a delicious meal 2x!  I first spent it with my fiance and his family...watched some Cowboys and headed back to my house for a final meal! LoL...Talk about full...I won't be eating again for days..Lie..probably tomorrow morning.... Ha!

Okay so surprise ...since everyone has their own Black Friday.  I decided to throw my own as well.  It's called Cyber Monday!

( Special thanks to Michelle from The 3am Teacher for making this fabulous button!)

Everything in my TpT Store will be 20%.  If you enter the code CMT12 at checkout you will get a total of 28% off !  Talk about a great savings.  It's a great way to save and get excited about splurging a bit because guess what...your saving a lot!!
If you want to know some of my favorites you will love...keep reading this post and you will find out!  In the meantime let me share some tips and organization techniques that will save you from being a mess like I once was! 

I have been meaning to post this up for a while I just keep forgetting.  I want to expain this before I show you some fab pics!  My first year of teaching I was lost with my organization skills.  I didn't know where to file papers and how to put it together.  My 2nd year I saved all my worksheets and paperwork into manilla folders.  I would place the name of the story we were reading for the week in the tab and I figure this would be a great way to refer to my weekly stories for the following years to come. Done!  Towards the end of the year I saw this super organized file in Really Good Stuff .  It's a great way to put your files and papers in order and easily find what you need.  Here is what it looks like!

These are all my files.  It starts with the first story of the week and ends with the last story we read for the school year.  This is a better look at the folders...
As you can see the story of the week is labeled up top.  Look what's inside...
Here are some of the things I include inside each folder:
Homework sheets for the week.  I recycle the homework sheets because we have the same series so we have the same homework and skills we learn for each particular story.  I usually have a phonics review guide for the week along with phonics dittos, grammar review and ditto, spelling ,tests and classwork.
I can not begin to tell you how easy this has made my life.  I pull out a new folder every Thursday to make copies for the following week's story.    Then once I get all those copies, I easily seperate and place them in the bins (discussed in my previous post)
The Grammar, Spelling and Phonics classwork sheets goes in the LAL bin.  The tests goes in the assessments bin and any extra work we may have goes in the extra work bin.  It's so relieving to know I am more organized than my first year and things definitely run more smoothly since I have made these files! 
Wait...I am not finished!  I was so obsessed with how these files helped my life!!  I decided why stop there????  I bought another one from scholastics...activities for each month. Look...
  As you can see all the months are included in this file.  What is so cute about this is that in front of each file there are all these holidays that pertain to that month so you don't forget to celebrate! 

Isn't it adorable?  I hope you loved these organization tips as much as I do.  Trust me it will make your life easier if your kind of a messy girl like me!
Okay well back to this amazing sale.  I am throwing a huge sale on my TpT Store.  It's a Cyber Monday sale and ends Tuesday.  Everything in my TpT Store  is 20% off and if you include the code CMT12   you will get an extra discount!!  I have been adding things in my store so hopefully you all will take a quick second to check it out.  Some of my favorites are :
This packet includes:
-Stencils/directions for craft
-Writing prompts/half/full/black&w/primary/secondary
-Letters to Santa
-Making words
-Word search
-Memory match (can be used for centers)
-First, next and last
-ABC order
or you can check out my ...
This packet includes:
-stencils/patterns for the girl/boy gingerbread craft
-directions for making stencils
-writing prompts half/full/primary/secondary
-letters to the gingerbread boy/girl
-comprehenion printables
your kiddies will love this! Grab one now! =)
Or if your already thinking about next year ...like me...check out my latest

This packet includes:
Stencils/Directions for the craft
ABC Order
Writing Prompts/Primary/Secondary/Black and White
2 Words of day relating to dental health
Fun Facts Sheet
True/False Quiz (for science grade or can be used as worksheet)
Labeling with Matching Quiz or can be used as worksheet
Can Have Are
Brushing Schedule
Making Words
Certificate of completion
Check it out HERE at my store.  Don't forget to let me know what you feel if you grab anything from my store.  I'd love it you become my newest follower as well.  Once I get to 400 I will be throwing a fabulous giveaway!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Let's Talk Turkey and My Sticky Secret!

Hey everyone!  Happy Sunday.  What a relaxing weekend it has been.  I went to a baby shower yesterday and ate myself to death!  LoL ...then I went out later that night for dessert with a girlfriend....go figure! I can never say no to sweets...or food for that matter! =)  I feel like I have been out of the loop for a bit because I am so busy trying to find my best venue for my wedding in 2014.  When I finally book it, I will be back to my usual routine of blogging and creating!
So recently I shared with you my latest Thanksgiving Packet.  Here is what it looks like after my kiddos created them! 

Aren't they adorable?  I think the kiddies had a blast making them.  They really have improved on their cutting skills since the beginning of the year which makes me feel warm inside. =)
If you want to grab these cute little guys along with a pilgrim girl and boy check them out HERE at my TpT Store. 
I wanted to share with you all my secret obsession.  Ever use sticky tack and they are hard to get off the board or letters or calendars?  Well this is what I use instead of that....
I use these for almost everything and I am still trying to come up with more ways to utilize it in the classroom.. Here is one way I use it ...
Yes this was taken in October...hehe.  If you look closely, I used stickki clips for all of them except the number 31.  I did that so you can compare them and see which one looks better.  I think using the stickki clips looks neater and more organized if that makes sense.  Look at that lonely number 31... It's screaming " I may fall off any second now" ....LoL.  
I also used my stikki clips when I created my Elections Craftivity
As you can see it's holding up everything on this board.  I love these cute little things!
You can check them out here at School Specialty.  They are almost always on sale so if you grab one get more for the future! 
Check back soon for hopegully a 600 follower giveaway and an adorable Snowman Freebie that will have your kids saying, "Your the best teacher ever"... That's what I heard at least!  =) Enjoy your Sunday!
Go Cowboys!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Teaching Tip and Bridesmaids Brunch!

Hey all! Happy Tuesday. =)  I hope everyone who had off on Veteran's Day was able to relax and enjoy their time off.  I on the other hand was super busy with venues and planning for our wedding we had no time to rest!  We are narrowing down our choices and should be booking something soon....I hope!!
I saw this fabulous linky and thought I definitely need to join!  I am joining with Miss Kindergarten for her Teaching Tip!

For this linky we are suppose to share a great idea with all of you guys!  I thought let me show everyone how I set up and organize for the week.  I have organized files of different worksheets that pertain to the week.  For example if this week we are reading " Fun Kids Band"  I have a folder stuffed with printables for that week. This includes classwork and homework. It took me about 2 years to set up but needless to say it was well worth the time.   My aide makes copies of the printables needed for the kiddies..  Since they are soooooooo many worksheets for the week I put them in organized and labeled baskets.  This way I know where to find them when I need to pull them.  This is a better idea of what they look like.

They are labeled Math, LaL, Tests, Centers and Extra Work.  When I need Math worksheets I just go straight to the bin and get what I need.  I put all the tests for Friday in one bin and any extra work in the " Extra Work" bin.  This could be anything from crafts, printables or holiday packets.  Trust me, it is 100000% worth organizing your work so you don't drive yourself crazy looking for it. 
I usually post every Sunday.  Thats when I am refreshed from the weekend and have so many tips and crafts to show you guys.  This past Sunday however I took my best girlfriends to a brunch.  I got 6 free tickets to go to a brunch from when I visited their venue.  OMG this food was absolutely amazing!! So much food and sooooo darn delicious.  I served myself 3 plates !!  The reason why I took my girlfriends to a brunch was because I wanted to finally ask them to be my bridesmaids! It took me a while to ask them.  I didn't just want to ask them.  I wanted to do something special for them and let them know I appreciate them so much!  I got them treats and adorable little gifts.  I thought they would think I was cheesy but they all truly loved it.  They even sent me these pictures later with the treats I got them!  Take a look.
Isn't it just so cute.  I just lovee the way they came out.  Let me explain how I created these. 
First, I bought the photo boxes at Michael's.  They were $2 since I bought a few!  Next I went into the crafts/wood section and saw these adorable frames that said Friends and Celebrate.  I thought to get black and white because those are my colors for my wedding.  I got black and white frames, cute Paris bottle openers, notepads.  My favorite parts of the treat were the mini wine and flute.  It fit so perfectly with everything!  Finally, tucked at the bottom of the boxes were adorable lace tank tops with their title on the shirt.  I got them for a great price from The Little Bridal Shop from Etsy.  She was so nice and so quick! 
I was so thrilled that they accepted my offer!  This is a close up of one of the letters!

LoL!  I made it extra big for you guys to read!  Anywho...thanks for stopping by my page tonight!  I have been MIA but I will be picking it up this week with great ideas and fun crafts.  Stay tuned! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's Turkey Time... and Halloween Pics!

So we had Sandy last week and now we have a snow storm.  Womp Womp!  If this weather continues we will be teaching all the way until August!!
In the meantime I have had the cutest little crafts to keep me busy and hopefully you will enjoy them just as much!  So for this Thanksgiving I came up with an adorable little Packet that you can check out Here at my TpT Store. Here's a quick glimpse of it!


This packet has all the printables you need to have your kiddies busy for the holidays.  It can be used as center work or fun worksheets for free time. 
This packet includes:
3 crafts - w/directions
full/half page prompts black a nd white/ primary and secondary
handwriting worksheets
spelling worksheets
word search
drawing activities
listening quizzes (for social studies grade)
adjectives worksheet
When I posted this up a while ago, I got some sweet e-mails from Kindergarten teachers.  They loved the crafts but the worksheet would be too hard for their kiddos.  So I kindly came up with this packet for those Kindergarten teachers!
This is just the patterns to make that cute craft! 
This packet includes:
The stencils and directions for how to put these cute little crafts together. 
You can grab this Craft right Here !  If you do grab one, let me know what you think. Love your sweet comments! =)
**Warning** Completing this packet will make you hungry!! =)
Okay moving on!  Halloween was cancelled due to the storm last week.  I am sure the kiddies were devastated but not to worry! Halloween was celebrated today instead.  Yes! I said today November 7th!  It was a little weird dressing up today as I knew we were a week late but it was such a fun day!  My co-workers and I try to do a theme every year.  This year we did Pink Ladies!  I LOVED that my little ones called me "Pink Lady" all day.  It was too cute. =)
Yes I know I look fab in this pic. LoL

  We got so many compliments with out outfits, so we are already thinking of next years outfit! =) 
I shopped for goodies for my kiddies for Halloween and this is what they turned out to be. I tried to stuff them as much I could. =)
I can't remember who I got the toppers from.  If anyoone knows please tell me so I can give this person credit.  The tops were free and were so cute!  The kids were so happy when they got these.  I made myself a few extra just for when I am craving chocolate...which is always! =)  What did you all do for Halloween?
Okay!  You have made it to the bottom of this post...YaY!  Leave a comment below with your e-mail address letting me know you follow my TpT Store or my Pinterest and you can win your choice of the packet above!  I will pick a winner tomorrow.  Ready.....Set...Go..Go..Go!! =)

Congrats to Vicki from Tradition Laughter and Happily Ever After for winning my pack!  I will be e-mailing you shortly.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

November Currently, My Latest Craft and a Cute Freebie!

Hey all.  It's been such a busy week since I have had off due to Sandy and the mess she left in our area.  So I got to crafting and coming up with cute things for my class and to share with all of you.  I am excited for the holidays if you haven't been able to tell. =)  I came up with a cute game for my class to do during centers!  This center game is called Candy Cane  It includes the pre primer and primer dolch sight words.  It's such a fun game for the kiddies to work on together in groups of 2-4. It's a sight word game with little surprises in between to make it more interesting.  I know my kiddies will have a blast with it and I am sure your little ones will too.  Here are some pics from the pack:


You can find this packet here at my TpT Store. This is a great center activity and will grab your kiddies attention.  It's only $3.  If you laminate the cards you can reuse them year after year.  Please leave me a comment if you do grab one.  I love to hear your comments and suggestions.
After I came up with this I also came up with a freebie for all of you to enjoy.  This is a Thanksgiving Writing Freebie 
This freebie is just what you need to get your kids to work on their writing. It's 4 writing prompts that involve writing about Thanksgiving.

This packet includes:
4 writing prompts/black and white/color/primary/secondary
Grab this freebie.  Your little ones will enjoy writing about their Thanksgiving and their favorite dish.  Don't forget to leave a comment with what you think.! =)
And finally I am linking up with Farley for her currently.
  I love linking up with Farley I always get to see such great blogs that I haven't seen before.  Don't forget to link up!!
Okay well that was a long post!!  Well thanks for stopping by.  I hope you enjoyed my Freebie and my Pre Primer and Primer Game Set
If you were able to get to this long post and would love to win my Pre Primer and Primer Game Set,
 Please leave me a sweet comment with your e-mail and I will do random generator tonight!  You have until 12 am EST tonight! Good Luck. =)
Congrats to Rikki from The Hive. You won my packet! I will be sending it to you shortly.  Thanks for stopping by. =)
Don't forget to check out my Elections Craftivity.   Elections are on Tuesday and this would be a great way to introduce the elections to the kiddies with fun printables and activities.
. I made so many more crafts this week. I am so excited to share them with you. So stop by this week for more chances at winning my new craftivities!!