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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bloggy Award Yay!

Hey guys!! I hope everyone is having a good week so far… I can’t believe it’s almost Wednesday!! It’s going by so quick…. !! I’m blogging today to give thanks to Jenny B. for honoring me with the lovely bloggy award... yay

YayI was really excited to start blogging so I’m really flattered that she thinks it’s lovely… so thanks girl!! Now I need to pass it on to 15 other girls and they have to 1. Follow my blog 2. Link me back to their page 3. Pass it on to 15 new girls!! Here is my attempt to pass it on :




I feel awful I can't put more or put their buttons up. My computer has frozen 3 times trying to do this ahhhh... Well congrats for getting the bloggy award and don't forget to pass it on to others =)


  1. Thanks for the shout out & award. I wish I knew 15 blogs to pass it along to. I'll keep my eyes out and if I find them, I will definitely pass it on and mention your blog :)
    Thanks again!

  2. oh yay!!! thanks for the award! :) I really appreciate it! I'll give you a shout out!
    only two more followers and you will have 100!!! :) congrats!!

    Miss Elementary

  3. Thank you so much for the award--it's my first and I'm excited! I am currently looking for some blogs to award!
    Swersty’s Swap Shop
